Example sentences of "[vb mod] come [prep] some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If we are going to continue to be friends and write our poetry , we must come to some kind of arrangement , ’ Dana said .
2 No , the rich must come to some accommodation with the poor : must acknowledge their existence : must open their houses and their fridges and their bank accounts and let the poor in .
3 He told MacDonald that by remaining at his post with such colleagues as were still faithful to him , his position and reputation would be much more enhanced than if he succumbed ; the Prime Minister must come to some arrangement with Baldwin and Samuel to form a National Emergency Government which would restore British credit and the confidence of foreigners .
4 I think that we must whe when we 're , we we must come to some sort of consensus in the staff as to what the levels mean in inverted commas .
5 Indeed through the second method ( but not the first ) we might come to some decision about the responsibilities of the group or institution while still in doubt ( or disagreeing among ourselves ) about the consequent liabilities or responsibilities of the relevant individuals .
6 But perhaps they 'll come to some sort of understanding .
7 She said , keeping her anger under tight control — he would not , she sensed , be moved by ranting and raving — ‘ We 'll come to some arrangement .
8 ‘ They 'll come to some arrangement .
9 She 'll come to some harm if she does n't look out . ’
10 However , who knows , perhaps someday we 'll come across some tablet or document that will make the whole thing clear .
11 ‘ E asked me to describe yer , which I did , thinkin' maybe 'e was goin' to tell yer you 'd come into some money , but 'e said you 'd taken in a young woman , that the pair of you 'ad nicked 'is wallet an' made off with it .
12 Was there any sense of surprise really that as the quarrier was were Welshmen and most of the workforce were Welshmen that in fact things would come to some sort of agreement , that there would n't be this kind of
13 The Session regretted their decision and its consequences to the Church , but expressed the hope that both Parties may come to some arrangement that the work of the Church shall he carried on without hindrances . "
14 I will leave them behind me and go only with the clothes on my back , and then I have two miles and a half and a byway to the town , and bring pretty well dressed I may come to some harm almost as bad as what I ran away from , and then , perhaps , it will be reported I have stolen something , and to carry a bad name to my dear parents …
15 If you can bear the relentless anguish overlaid by one daughter 's inflamed desire , you will come to some understanding of this sorry subject .
16 Growth will come in some oil product areas .
17 I thought , yeah , fair enough she goes , we can go and pick him up from the child-minder and then er you can come for some tea and you 'll be home by about half seven !
18 I 'm sure we can come to some kind of accommodation , neh , Shih Tong ? ’
19 I think we can come to some compromise , Mr Ryan , if you 're really interested . ‘
20 ‘ Look , ’ Gorelli said , ‘ I 'm sure we can come to some arrangement here . ’
21 I 'm sure we can come to some arrangement . ’
22 still got ta do tutorial five till unless , we can come to some arrangement
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