Example sentences of "[vb mod] say [pers pn] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 I must say I like it .
2 But i I must say I like it is a marvellous thing to be able to do that !
3 I must say I find it very irritating .
4 I find it I find I must say I find it difficult to understand why you find it difficult to understand that they they chose that particular route .
5 Well , I must say I liked it , er , I mean , I showed it because er suggested it .
6 ‘ I 'll say I bought it , ’ said Lydia .
7 ‘ Then I 'll say I bought it months ago , ’ said Lydia .
8 But if it helps to get them together I 'll say she made it .
9 You could say I meant it as a gesture .
10 Mr Alms , who described himself as retired but who runs Investment Chartwork , a firm of ‘ economic forecasters ’ , said : ‘ I suppose you could say I made it out of warped sense of humour .
11 ‘ If I left the can just over there you could say you found it . ’
12 I 'd say they loved it — and they understood it .
13 The late Denis Brain used to say he did it by ‘ playing one note , humming another , and thinking another ’ .
14 The non-standard dialect is not a haphazard variant , since no speakers of non-standard dialects would say He done it , done he ?
15 So what have we done , we 've put the money into ten lots of five pound now okay so we got fifty pounds let's say we had it in five pound notes .
16 And we increase it by ten perc Well let's say we increase it by It 's not out money is it , so let's really spend it and increase it by fifty percent every year .
17 Yeah I think , I think that 's probably just as well because erm let's say you know it 's being answered by somebody who 's gay themselves or lesbian themselves or you know kind of is , is heterosexual but has sort of anti-homophobic sympathies
18 But but but if you write the formula down let's say let's say you get it all wrong and I say , What happens if you have an acid and an alkali ? and you say , Well I know they all give a salt so that 's a safe bet , so I 'll say they give a salt .
19 She says she 's determined to go along with the system , so no one can say she bucked it .
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