Example sentences of "[vb mod] take [pron] [adv] for " in BNC.

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1 " I 'll take her in — yes , why not — I 'll take her in for a small consideration .
2 Sometimes the driver comes and takes one group out for half a day , then he 'll take another group out for half a day , or he 'll take them out for a full day 's picnic .
3 ‘ We 'll take you out for dinner , ’ Penny suggested .
4 Er last night Arthur said oh said I think I 'll work extra tomorrow he said and I 'll take you out for Sunday lunch Sunday .
5 Now if you want to see something that 's up on a shelf at the side , ask one of the helpers wearing a red jersey and they 'll take it down for you and show it to you .
6 Send it back immediately , or I 'll take it back for you — and punch his impertinent face in while I 'm at it ! ’
7 I 'll take it off for you . ’
8 I 'll take it off for you .
9 She goes alright I 'll take it out for you .
10 If he was incapable and vomiting and so on , you 'd take him in for his own consideration .
11 I 'd take him along for a veterinary verdict on these possibilities and take it from there .
12 Do you think you could find anyone in your village who 'd take me in for that ?
13 David and I were wondering if we could take you out for a spot of lunch .
14 Include it in that , those twelve weeks because I know it 's , you know , a bit erm I would try and see if I could set up some sex education with the health centre and the , you know , that she used to take them and they went through contraception and condoms and whatever at the , and she used to take them down for an afternoon it might well be that they have to miss a lesson
15 W. P. With kids , I used to carry my gloves in my hand and without any fingers in , and I used to catch them with the gloves if they were cheeky , and if they got cheekier still , I used to take them home for a belt .
16 Say they started on a Monday at two o'clock in the afternoon , he or she will take them away for the first hour and go through some of the main points of their work here .
17 ‘ A fast car will take me back for a drink with the cast afterwards , but if they have n't got it right yet , they never will . ’
18 Eyeing Gwen Bear , she wondered if she ought to take her down for company , then gave an enchanting little giggle .
19 If I close this week with only seven , I may only end up with one sale , and that 's not gon na to give me the income I want and big H wants so I can take her out for a Chinese .
20 But he 's even becoming a complete , in the holidays when I 've got the housework to do and meals to cook , and him to look after if there 's another pair of hands that can take him out for an hour
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