Example sentences of "[vb mod] we [verb] about [art] " in BNC.

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1 What other things might we think about the trainee ?
2 ‘ What 'll we do about the tape ? ’ asked Camille .
3 What could we know about the greater universe ?
4 So , shall we put about the fifth er fifteenth ?
5 What , then , can we conclude about the contribution that political sociology has made to understanding more clearly the main trends of political change in the twentieth century , and to influencing the course of events ?
6 Morgan ( 1975 : 442 ) asks ‘ What can we infer about the speaker 's intentions from the fact that he has chosen this particular description , rather than any of the others which would call to mind the same referent ? ’
7 The question is not what can we do about the greenhouse effect , but why do n't we do anything ?
8 What can we do about the problem ?
9 So what can we learn about the oceans from this coral slab ?
10 On the basis of these examples , what can we say about the requirements of the information-based organization ?
11 What can we say about the laws derived in the last chapter ?
12 What can we say about the line integral of the electric field ?
13 3.9 What now can we say about the restriction of postnominal occurrence to a subset of adjectives ?
14 Leaving aside this rather striking example of language shift , what can we say about the role of JC for young black Londoners ?
15 Enquiry can be fostered by asking " Who is the most important person in the picture ? " , looking at gestures and expressions , or asking " What clues can we get about a person 's wealth or social status ? "
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