Example sentences of "[vb mod] have be think of " in BNC.

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1 Even before he was consecrated , and perhaps as soon as he was elected , at a moment when , by ordinary rules of prudence , he should have been thinking of equipping himself with all the forms of expert knowledge required by his new position , he chose one of the group of English monks to be his closest and most constant companion .
2 I felt , by doing that , I had effectively stepped back in time and discovered the one thing that should have been thought of before we even harnessed electricity .
3 It was him she must have been thinking of .
4 Tolkien must have been thinking of Njorthr the sea-god and Skathi , daughter of the mountain-giant , in Snorri Sturluson 's Prose Edda .
5 She must have been thinking of Steven ( bridegroom 's name ) .
6 As he stood on the tee with the green five hundred yards away , Kyle must have been thinking of another birdie , possibly an eagle .
7 She suddenly became aware that she must have been thinking of Naylor Massingham for quite a bit of the journey , when she was all at once incredibly jolted by a question that flashed into her head out of nowhere .
8 McMenemy might have been thinking of Steve Williams , another promising talent who 'd already won six England caps when he moved from Southampton to Arsenal in December l984 .
9 Although Mill may have been thinking of the romantic poet speaking gloomily to himself , here Leapor holds out the prospect of good gossip , and the reader is set to overhear the conversation :
10 ‘ I may have been thinking of using the money saved from the mortgage payments on a new telly or something , but not now . ’
11 This critic may have been thinking of a well-known passage in one of the Nativity sermons in which Andrewes keeps up a series of puns in Hebrew , Latin and English for three pages on the word Emmanuel : ‘ If it be not Immanu-el , it will be Immanu-hell … .
12 Solutions in terms of this everyday discourse could have and may have been thought of by the client , who had come to the solicitor for a legal rather than an everyday solution .
13 It would have been thought of as demeaning their authority to have to explain their actions .
14 Much the same would have been thought of Jessica as she would have been seen as someone who walked away from an evil religion and stepped into the right path .
15 I do not think that the conch would have been thought of or used , at least to start , but the girls would have probably got together into one large group as the boys did , although with sub-divisions of especial friends .
16 The well-planned research will not present difficulties at the analysis stage , since the purpose of the answers will have been thought of in advance , and all the analysis really does is to fill in the details .
17 What Mr Sutherland can 've been thinking of , I do n't know .
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