Example sentences of "[vb mod] have a more [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The view that the universities should have a more central role in offering the kind of imaginative vision necessary to save " mankind " from contemporary destructive forces was given an added impetus in the course of the Second World War .
2 You and your readers should have a more factual account of the Ariane launcher success rate than you recently presented ( Forum , 10 February , p 392 ) .
3 The publisher had made a decision , no doubt on sound commercial information , about the viability of the book as a course text and decided it should have a more restricted clientele who are in a position to buy a large-format , expensive paperback .
4 Except maybe if Hodge is about to go ( in a swap deal for a defender ) , maybe Wilko feels he should have a more versatile midfielder .
5 The Church of England should have a more considered position to contrast with these more torrid campaigns .
6 If the garden was more exciting than my dwelling , there was a good reason why Alec Reid 's house should have a more lived-in feeling .
7 So that we really do hope that when the news comes through today , it 's going to be positive and the international community , if I can put it this strongly , will have come to it 's senses and said this can not go on , we must have a more representative political presence at the U N.
8 But it is not only in the UK where we must have a more positive attitude to science .
9 I think I 'll have a more mature attitude to work when I 'm a bit older and I wo n't feel I 've got to interrupt a career to start a family .
10 It was once thought that tool users might have a more complex and sophisticated nervous system than other animals , and that by studying them we might find out something of significance about the human race itself .
11 If it were a requirement , for example , that all pupils need knowledge , skills and understanding in non-verbal communication ( body language , facial expression , and so on ) and how this influences overall communication strategies , attainment target I for the English curriculum ( speaking and listening ) might have a more integrated feel about it from a deaf perspective .
12 Measures directly towards the amelioration of these conditions might be expected to contribute to the prevention of attempted suicide , although other factors — such as the availability of drugs , cultural attitudes , and the level of services available — might have a more immediate effect .
13 However , it is also possible that persistent high PTHrP , unaffected by pamidronate treatment , could have a more potent effect on bone in these patients .
14 Some researchers think the STM may have a more distant future not just analysing molecules and microcircuits but helping to make them .
15 The effects of such diets individually appear small , which raises the possibility that combining several of these factors may have a more substantial effect .
16 However , the public choice approach , in terms of explaining policy developments , may have a more clear-cut analytical impact again when it comes to analysing the acceptability of this tax .
17 In these matters , I think the students may have a more realistic sense of the situation than the teacher .
18 Whitehall 's obsessive secrecy may have a more humane base than generally allowed , though that seems rather unlikely .
19 Merchandise as a premium does not have the universal appeal of money , but it may have a more pointed appeal than cash or a price reduction .
20 Accountability or value for money is not the only reason for knowing what government is doing and having a say in it , but the consumer may have a more direct effect on policy and the producer than any number of democratic arguers .
21 Let's have a more radical view of the committee structure .
22 And he added his hope that in about two years he would have a more straightforward kind of book ready , developing his published studies on Diogenes Laertius , and possibly also an edition of Aeschylus ' Libation Bearers ( on which he had been lecturing earlier in the year ) Without any direct reference to this last suggestions Ritschl , in his reply a few weeks later , implicitly endorsed it .
23 The answer is yes , but it would have a more limited role .
24 In June 1931 G. D. H. Cole and several of the younger Fabians founded a Society for Socialist Inquiry and Propaganda which , it was hoped , would have a more popular appeal than the Fabian Society .
25 Now it is true that , as we have seen , the GCSE is intended to test what a candidate can do as well as what he knows and understands ; it is intended , therefore , that the oral part of the examination in languages , including English , shall have a more central importance .
26 For others , the turn of the generations will have a more ominous feel .
27 Thus the Nature citations will be more focussed , or coupled , to the paper citing them , and the others will have a more diffuse relationship .
28 People taking certain medicines should not take alcohol at the same time , or maybe not take it at all because the alcohol will have a more pronounced effect under/or the effect of the medicine will be altered .
29 ‘ Scottish Nuclear will have a more public presence at the two other major events this season , ’ said Alan .
30 Where counselling is able to discuss some of these feelings it can have a more positive potential effect on elderly health than the tranquillizers and sedatives which are too readily and too frequently dispensed for older people who are sick .
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