Example sentences of "[vb mod] be say is that " in BNC.

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1 What should be said is that there is still a most definite need for research in some neglected , technical areas , but more particularly in integrating the social and economic factors as they occur in a local situation .
2 What might be said is that the ethical connotation of the method of action he proposed was being made clear by the choice of satyāgraha rather than sadāgraha .
3 We 'll be saying is that the first appointment of investigative staff to be made is of a complaint examiner .
4 What could be said is that the same moral demands apply to the means as to the ends in the quest for Truth , and that often difficulties arise because of these demands .
5 In truth , all that can be said is that , in both the Free Presbyterian Church and in the UPV , there were a small number of people ( none of whom were figures of any stature in the Church ) who were prepared to abet others in the commission of crimes to further the aims which the vast majority of people in the Church and UPV wished to see promoted by less violent means .
6 What can be said is that those whose discomfort is related to intercourse are most likely to be cured of their symptoms either by a combination of improved lubrication and post-coital urination , or by treating any infection that underlies the symptoms .
7 ‘ The only thing that can be said is that somebody has just snuffed out a very special person who was going to achieve an incredible amount in life .
8 The most that can be said is that a good case can be made out for so doing ; law-abiding spectators would probably be sympathetic , depending upon the outcome .
9 The most that can be said is that they must have selectional restrictions which are satisfied by the selectee .
10 What can be said is that the Rules of 1988 do not reflect section 99 of the Act , which in conjunction with section 97 enables a person upon whom a copy of an intervention notice has been served by S.I.B .
11 The most that can be said is that the majority of individuals said to be non-right handed still show left hemisphere language representation ( Annett , Hudson , and Turner , 1974 ; Fleminger and Bunce , 1975 ; Clyma , 1975 ) .
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