Example sentences of "[vb mod] be [adj] for [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Facilities should be available for presenting visual aids which will help to maintain interest .
2 Axes should be available for testing this winter at : .
3 With sufficient flexibility and with the expertise gained by staff in operating it , however , it should be possible for serving church musicians , both amateur and professional , also to take advantage of it .
4 First , the flowers themselves should be suitable for pressing — there is no point in offering to press someone 's wedding flowers when their bouquet consists of , say , chrysanthemums , pale carnations , large daisies or gerberas , since none of these flowers press successfully at all .
5 The αβ T-cell-deficient mice should be useful for analysing the in vivo functions of γ T cells .
6 The case manager or care manager should be responsible for organizing a total care plan for each individual , spanning both ‘ ordinary ’ needs and ‘ special ’ needs , and for integrating the input of the NHS , local authority and voluntary organizations .
7 One person should be responsible for collecting newspaper law reports and case summaries .
8 The central proposals , ie that District Health Authorities should receive an allocation based on their population and should be responsible for providing or acquiring health care services to meet the needs of that population , are fundamentally Type I. However , there are several proposals in Working for patients which introduce elements of a Type II system into the activities of DHAs .
9 The Council was financed jointly by the Ministry and the Local Education Authorities and respected the principle that each school should be responsible for determining its own curricula and teaching methods .
10 It is suggested that either each adjoining tenant should be responsible for carrying out repairs to half the structure or the landlord should be responsible for carrying out all the repairs , subject to reimbursement of the cost of so doing .
11 It is suggested that either each adjoining tenant should be responsible for carrying out repairs to half the structure or the landlord should be responsible for carrying out all the repairs , subject to reimbursement of the cost of so doing .
12 Housing for Rent — local authorities should be responsible for ensuring that rented housing was available for all local people in need of it , provided wherever possible from the existing housing stock ( in contrast to Tai Cymru 's present policy of forcing housing associations to build new houses ) .
13 The landlord should be responsible for ensuring that the works are carried out in accordance with the building documents and if there are any variations , it must either have them corrected or obtain the tenant 's consent to their remaining .
14 Local authority social services should be responsible for identifying all people with community care needs in their area , for assessing such needs , for arranging for individuals to receive social , domestic and personal care , and for ensuring that other authorities such as housing and health services are alerted to their needs .
15 The new regulation reinforces the principle of " self-sufficiency " , namely that waste should be dealt with as close as possible to the point of production and that countries should be responsible for processing or dumping their own waste .
16 It was agreed that [ five pounds should be Stented for Cloathing & Supporting Archd .
17 The LIFESPAN Process account is required only in so far as a suitable UIC must be available for running your LIFESPAN Processes .
18 You must be over 16 to enter the competition and because of recording schedules you must be available for filming at a couple of days ' notice .
19 He knew also that the human race freely chose to reject him ; it was only right that they should take some responsibility : mankind as well as God must be responsible for reversing the effects of the fall and for moving on to the mature relationship with the creator that had been ordained for them from all eternity .
20 We shall welcome suggestions from private companies on services which might be suitable for contracting out , and on ways of improving contracting out procedures .
21 Thus lectures might be suitable for providing a general introduction to a course on information retrieval .
22 While there , he was able to forget the ritual of Monday morning when , in the darkness of winter or the bright light of summer 's early dawns , Celtic Crescent and the streets of Jewtown would be clamorous with the noise of horses being led from nearby stables and harnessed to carts , of men shouting instructions and calling to each other in Yiddish and English as they struggled under the weight of trunks and knapsacks stuffed to overflowing with clothes , fancy goods , kitchen articles , holy pictures , enlargements of family photographs — anything that might be suitable for selling from door to door on a weekly-payment basis .
23 Prices are generally too high for any quality furniture that might be suitable for reworking .
24 Beside the TNM classification system additional variables , such as biological staging for the intrinsic malignant potential of the tumours , might be useful for determining long term survival .
25 Black holes might be useful for getting rid of garbage or even some of one 's friends .
26 A single man might be useful for attacking the marauders that Winnie feared , but then he might expect his washing and ironing to be done , and his socks darned , and Winnie was beginning to feel rather too old for such mothering .
27 Long-inbred populations might be useful for assessing the effects of new mutations .
28 I figured it might be useful for gaining access . ’
29 But although this might be tenable for booming Babergh , it will not do for depressed Coventry where many masters were quite poor , and John Langwood ( craft unstated ) was not the only employer — in this case of an apprentice — who owned no goods worth assessing .
30 It might be ready for opening , or it might just have dissolved away itself .
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