Example sentences of "[vb mod] not [adv] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Where a partner is permitted to work less than full time , this should be set out clearly ; ( b ) the extent to which a partner must not just be available to do work for the firm but is put under some positive obligation to promote the interests of the practice .
2 Secondly , the past and current benefit to the employer must not merely be substantial or even valuable ; it has to be outstanding if compensation is to be awarded .
3 The child 's psychic structure must not only be that of his or her white parents and of white society .
4 The music , to be satisfactory , may need contrasting sections , differing textures , and periods of thematic recall ; and such factors must not only be compatible with the text , but should also form a whole which is a perfect expression of the words .
5 As a guiding principle , it seemed to me that future business information systems must not only be able to cope with all the many individual sources of business information , but also , such systems should be able to rank those sources in importance using various appropriate criteria .
6 The internalist would claim that for the causal clause to turn justified true belief into knowledge , it must not only be true but be believed by a to be true .
7 This necessarily implies , in my opinion , that a sale to be within the section must not only be retail , but one in which there is no other consideration for the transfer of property in the record but the money price …
8 If time also gives advantages to the initial winners of a contract , arrangements for the final settlement of terms must not only be flexible , but also able to deal with opportunistic behaviour at the final settlement date .
9 ‘ Sites must not only be free , or readily freed , from planning , physical and ownership constraints , but also capable of being developed economically , in areas where potential house buyers want to live and suitable for the wide range of housing types which the housing market requires . ’
10 As maltsters we must not only be aware of our sales but of the customers themselves — here in Scotland we are waiting for the upturn .
11 These stipulated that any person operating in British waters must not only be resident in Britain but should also be a British citizen and that the ship should be British-owned .
12 The allies , though , insist that the Kurds must not only be safe but be made to feel safe , which means no armed police ; British commandos were sent to see them off .
13 Although it should not normally be necessary , ‘ bulk ’ can be used at any time to completely refresh LIFESPAN information in the relational database .
14 Managers should not ordinarily be concerned with results which conform closely with plans .
15 There should be no element of double charge when the manager disposes of his shares because the " notional loan " element should not also be liable to capital gains tax ( see s37 TCGA 1992 ) .
16 For instance , does Professor Lee believe that professional accountants should not also be commercial ?
17 Literary theory , he says , should not just be one more academic subject , to be taught by a ‘ theory-specialist ’ , but should inform the way in which an English Department organizes itself .
18 It should not always be necessary to stick to the traditional layout of interviewer behind a desk and candidate in a chair immediately in front , as if about to undergo an interrogation .
19 Always inspect each hook closely before you use it ; test it for breaking or bending ; reduce or remove the barb where necessary , and work on it with a fine oil stone until it is as sharp as you can get it — this should not actually be necessary with the new chemically sharpened hooks .
20 In practice , this principle should not often be relevant in the case of experienced executives .
21 As the French were favourites to beat us again I should not really be disappointed by the Cardiff result .
22 The other plausible strategy is to admit an inconsistency but to accept that the law should not necessarily be consistent across the range of tragic choices .
23 He even suggests that a threat to deprive a woman of something she has a right to expect should not necessarily be sufficient .
24 For instance , housing units should not only be available for the planners ' notion of the traditional nuclear family , but for a range of different relationships .
25 In many spheres of public life justice should be seen to be done as well as be done , and officials should not only be impartial but be seen to be above reproach .
26 When you have done a few problems , as above , it should not now be necessary to divide the large boxes into small ones to find the volume .
27 That Darwin 's ideas could have such manifold influence throughout the entire structure of modern biological theory should not now be surprising .
28 Throughout this gargantuan meal the talk was almost entirely concentrated on food , on remembering other great meals , or discussing the quality of the ham and the other salumi : ‘ It must n't just be pink ; it must n't be too fat , and it should be cut so thin that you can almost see the church tower through it . ’
29 JESUS CHRIST ! ’ when he should n't feasibly be capable of breathing — a testament to the levels of punishment Sugar inflict upon themselves , at the very least .
30 THE British economy may not exactly be booming , but at least it is picking itself up .
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