Example sentences of "[vb mod] not [pron] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But finance should not itself be blamed .
2 In that context , is not the continued closure of Bir Zeit university , which was announced the other day , an intolerable provocation , and should not it be condemned ?
3 He hummed and hawed for quite a while about it , but in the end I asked him if you were getting any visitors , and if not , I said , must n't you be feeling pretty lonely , and that did it .
4 Hey , wait a minute , should n't they be paying you to advertise their wares ?
5 But , where it 's a proposal that seems to call for persuasion , should n't we be thinking of letting the inhabitants of the city decide for themselves ?
6 Codes of practice set out by bodies such as the RYA to avoid the effects of contaminated waterways are all very well , but should n't we be taking direct action upon the problem itself — rather than making the best of a bad job ?
7 Why should n't , why should n't we be made to pay for a health service ?
8 That should we be using it , should n't we be using it ?
9 Should n't we be opening our universities to older people , for people to come back for a second dose as it were , for retraining and so on ?
10 Should n't we be thinkin' of moving soon , Captain ? ’ asked Charlie , after they had sat in pitch darkness for over an hour .
11 ROS : Should n't we be doing something — constructive ?
12 It is wanted by its family , so why should n't it be given the chance to live ?
13 ‘ Yeah , nice one Richard , but should n't it be called ‘ Tubular Bongs ’ ? ’
14 I told him what I said to you on the phone about should n't he be given a bit more obvious humanity because priests are n't great box-office nowadays and Vic said we 'd talk about it nearer the time .
15 Why should n't I be seen talking to an old mate , eh ? ’
16 Should n't I be calling them to get you , as a common house-breaker ? ’
17 Should n't I be compensating someone for the loss of the Seren ? ’
18 ‘ And speaking of nightclubs , should n't you be tending bar somewhere ? ’
19 ‘ In that case , should n't you be getting our bags out of the car ? ’
20 Should n't you be getting ready to leave for Thailand ? ’ her father asked her anxiously , glancing at his watch .
21 Now you 're accused by these people of cruelty , of neglect , should n't you be listening ?
22 ‘ But should n't you be discussing that with me , rather than with her ? ’ she protested , casting an icy glance over Lucy .
23 ‘ If this is a survey , should n't you be writing down the answers ? ’
24 Should n't you be looking after that ? ’
25 Should n't you be working for your mother ? ’
26 Should n't you be working as well ? ’ she suggested .
27 Should n't you be asking me first if I 'm staying ? ’
28 Should n't you be going to a party ? ’
29 Look , I do n't know much about it , but should n't you be going to — hell , I do n't know , classes or something ? "
30 ‘ Er — should n't you be going ? ’ she suggested awkwardly — and hopefully .
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