Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] in a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The characters should be in a shabby flat , seated at a refectory table , facing the audience ; Sweeney in the middle with a chafing dish , scrambling eggs .
2 Yes , of ourselves because we should be in a peaceful .
3 It should be noted that the required three-quarters width of 1.6 mm tread pattern grooves should be in a continuous band .
4 Surely we should be in a joyous peaceful
5 Many advisers were desperate for more space : the bureau general office being too crowded with administrative workers who should have their own area ; they wanted easy access to the information system without too much clutter ; some suggested that the telephone adviser should be in a separate area and a separate receptionist area be allocated , and a coffee machine be available for clients .
6 The main consideration is that it should be in a sunny , sheltered position .
7 These bodies My Lords are after all precepting authorities and I think it crucial that those who 've been elected by their local communities should be in a clear majority and I sympathise very much with the er proposition in this regard , set out in the Noble Lord , Lord 's Amendment number twenty-one .
8 Does the Minister agree that , as Northern Ireland has the fewest days lost through stoppages or industrial action and is governed by the same industrial relations legislation as Great Britain , it should be in a special position to attract inward investment ?
9 Tyndale ensured that the English Bible should be in a popular and spoken , rather than a literary , language .
10 The nature of the decision may well be taken into account in determining what the content of natural justice should be in a particular instance , but the utility of the administrative , judicial , executive , legislative distinctions over and beyond this is difficult to perceive .
11 Leases and sale of business agreements often reserve specific issues to an expert ; for instance , what the figure for sales should be in a particular set of accounts .
12 PANDORA should be in a marketable state by the end of 1993 , and a database should be produced to enable a revised Index of Collectors to be published by the end of 1995 .
13 TV Set As the TV set should be in a secure environment G. Lightheart undertook to see if the proposed security system could be financed from his sources .
14 TV Set As the TV set should be in a secure environment G. Lightheart undertook to see if the proposed security system could be financed from his sources .
15 Drawings should be in a bold , clear line for easy reproduction .
16 After a good night 's sleep in the spacious suites , they should be in an excellent frame of mind for the next day 's play .
17 We disagree among ourselves about much , and that is as it should be in an open society .
18 The heading must be in a fixed position and fitted to a thin batten which is bent and fixed to the ceiling of the curve .
19 Th this company must be in a bloody sight worse a mess than we thought and the government are not letting us know this is what they 're look for are scapegoats and they they 're .
20 Furthermore , the training must be in a good centre and must be well supervised .
21 The problem solved with the ES must be in a narrow domain and of combinatorial type with many alternate solutions .
22 To be credible , it must be in a firm ‘ s best interest to carry out the threat at the time it is called upon to do so .
23 ‘ Champ must be in a dreadful state .
24 As a national newspaper reported in June 1851 : ‘ Some of the cottages in the parish , from continual neglect and the total absence of repair , are rendered insecure to that degree , that the inmates must be in a continual state of ‘ fear and trembling' ’ .
25 Children under the age of one , travelling in the front of a car MUST be in an approved baby carrier designed for the baby 's weight .
26 Children under one must be in an approved infant carrier designed for the baby 's size and weight , or a carrycot restrained by straps .
27 This also states that the individuals concerned must be in an intense relationship and that it is impossible or very difficult for the victim to ‘ escape from the field ’ .
28 The hardware must be in an identical configuration for each reconstruction of a software emission .
29 If you filled one in to read Pay John Smith one thousand pounds , and it was stolen , the thief could sign it on the back with the name John Smith , and then pay it into his own account , which might be in a different name entirely .
30 The court might be in a foreign country , there to try a citizen of yet a third nation , but it was her element and she was relieved to be back in it , even though she could take no active part in the trial .
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