Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] [adj] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 There should be easy access to toilets .
2 In the subsequent layout , road needs and road widths had to be assessed ; there should be good access to the rear of houses ; the proper orientation of houses should be secured ; design elements should incorporate the cul-de-sac , courtyard and green .
3 As children become more fluent and confident as writers , there should be increased attention to the punctuation that demarcates sentences ( capital letters , full stops , question marks and exclamation marks ) and to the conventions of spelling .
4 Whatever method is adopted , there should be regular reference to time-charts or time-lines .
5 When my Report was submitted to Mr Kenneth Baker , Secretary of State for Education and Science , he so much disliked it that he insisted that it should be printed back to front , starting with chapters 15 to 17 , which included our recommendations for attainment targets and programmes of study , and relegating the explanatory chapters 1 to 14 , which he thought unnecessary , to a kind of appendix .
6 ‘ During the changeover , the old and new systems will be running in parallel , but there should be little difference to the current operating methods , ’ said Andy .
7 One old farmer in the Stowmarket area of Suffolk said that , ideally , for the barley ( and the wheat ) crop the land should be ploughed east to west and then drilled overwart ( athwart ) so that the ringes or rows of young corn would lie north-south and be warmed by the sun on both sides of the row .
8 There should be free access to all courts within the jurisdiction and to legal services to make such access effective , including access to assistance which avoids the need to resort to litigation .
9 Senior Buyer Barrie Carvill explains that there must be mutual benefit to supplier and customer in any quality partnership .
10 It must be free city to city co-operation within a loose association with Brussels .
11 A spokesman for the City 's surveyors department said : ‘ There was an element of confusion after the blast because the Chamber of Shipping building had partially collapsed and we thought there might be similar damage to the Baltic .
12 Can you excuse me for a few minutes while I have a word with the others and then I 'll be straight back to you ? ’
13 L.G.M. Rees , the pilot of the Sunderland reported : ‘ My aircraft was launched at last light the evening before the sortie since it was dangerous at that time to leave an aircraft on moorings in daylight where it could be easy prey to enemy aircraft .
14 ( a ) LA couple of reasons — the technology is now available to do this , and there could be considerable saving to the company in travel expenses and workspace. ’ ( b )
15 Indeed there may be strong opposition to taking on delegated tasks for fear , perhaps justified , that failure will prove personally very damaging .
16 There may be additional rating to charged ( see Section B — ‘ NON-STANDARD CONSTRUCTION ’ ) .
17 There may be slight damage to the tips of leaves actually in contact with the fleece but this is acceptable when the alternative of the crop being ‘ cut to the ground ’ is considered .
18 This rationale may be necessary self-reassurance to a government which has such obvious difficulty feeling positive about public spending on jobs .
19 I mean , Essex only has 3,000 students on a good day , and modern university campuses may be foreign turf to you , but they 're happy hunting grounds to people like me .
20 ME sources , however , also contain variation that may be relevant to non-standard varieties and casual styles of speech ; hence , there may be considerable time-depth to these variables also .
21 Of course , a lot of the information on the course may be old ground to an applicant with experience .
22 There may be physical damage to the gut wall , which can be checked by taking a tiny sample and examining it under a microscope — this is known as a biopsy .
23 If half the funds and the intellectual effort which has gone towards developing strategies for finding alternative families had been put into what we can only lamely call preventative work there would be unquestionable advantage to all concerned .
24 It would be terrible disappointment to the public .
25 In future , he said , there would be strict adherence to criteria , which would mean less people going onto the waiting list .
26 Marr , a genuinely helpful person , actually believed that such trivia would be vital information to young listening ears .
27 So it will not do to say that the reason why the Government found it necessary to curtail debate on the Bill was that they felt that there would be massive opposition to it .
28 It is likely that there would be significant opposition to the idea that local taxes should bear the burden of redeeming the old debt as well as building up new capital .
29 The architect was instructed to keep ornamentation to a minimum , but the Victorian 's notion of minimal detail would be considerable elaboration to any other age .
30 If this were the end of the story then there would be large equator to pole temperature differences in the observed troposphere .
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