Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] [adj] [be] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ From what I hear , it could be dangerous being your age , ’ he said shiftily , avoiding my eye .
2 What may be unusual is my conviction that constitutional change , a reordering of the formal arrangements of political power and the nature of the British State , is a precondition for the achievement of the other changes , and that demands for this change may well be the vehicle through which other aspects of the strategy are developed and used as a stimulus to political action .
3 They like training which they can actually apply , that has practical applications so say if you 're thinking of something like erm motivation styles or something like that , if you were gon na introduce Lounslow I du n no at the motivation there are loads of them one 's Lounslow one 's Hertzberg if you were introducing our training to a pragmatist what would be essential is you could actually show the practical application of it , if you just put forward C V and no practical application the pragmatist would say well this is all very well in theory , but how can I apply it to my job and if they ca n't they think well what 's the value of this .
4 Indeed it would be surprising were we able to do so , since there are some fairly clear empirical examples of industries where publicly owned concerns have been of superior or equal efficiency to private ones , as we shall see in chapter 7 .
5 That he has been able to combine both ministries would be surprising were it not for the fact that he has worked as an active Socialist besides having a good track record in cultural affairs .
6 I would be grateful were you to bring this Mass to the attention of the people through your parish bulletins .
7 States have shown a capacity for self-destruction in the past and wars have come with a regularity which would be monotonous were it not so horrifying ; history belies the claims of statesmen to be in charge of events .
8 To human beings the existence of exploitative relations of production would be agonizing were they perceived simply as exploitative .
9 Despite the relief provided by a wide , bashful grin , Singleton 's arrogance would be unbearable were it not fuelled by righteous indignation and an urgent need to communicate .
10 The incident would be funny were it not that a similar stunt had been pulled in Kismayu , southern Somalia 's largest port , at the end of March .
11 All this would be fine were it not for the fact that Pearce has chosen to support the main course of his assault with a little verbal side-dish , to wit : an attack on Punch .
12 For more than a week , a group of grey-suited former communists has played with the nation 's future with an irresponsibility and spite that would be risible were it not so dangerous .
13 Overcoming these rivalries , which would be pretty were they not so debilitating , has proved harder than talking about them .
14 Although at one point Lear is willing to return to Goneril , since she seems to be allowing him fifty knights , Regan only twenty-five , so that ‘ Thy fifty yet doth double five-and-twenty , /And thou art twice her love ’ ( II.iv.260ff. ) — a quantification of love that would be comic were its effects not so awful — Lear becomes enraged by the two of them , and prefers ‘ To wage against the enmity o ’ th' air' than live with them .
15 THE stubborn candidature of Mr John Browne for Winchester would be comic were it not also deceitful — he proclaims himself the Conservative in all his literature — and dangerous to the Tory interest in a desperately close election .
16 The second aspect of natural concepts with which I shall be concerned is their conjunctive nature .
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