Example sentences of "[vb mod] [not/n't] be think [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The pointes must not be thought of as a prop on which to balance the body , but as an extra dimension to make dramatic sense of a statement about the character on pointes and/or to relate in some way to the story or theme .
2 They were younger than she had expected and seemed shy and reticent , emphasising frequently , all the way up the stairs , that they wanted only a bolt-hole and must not be thought of as real boarders .
3 In Foucault 's work ‘ sexuality ’ is seen as an historical apparatus , and ‘ sex ’ is a ‘ complex idea that was formed within the deployment of sexuality ’ : 'Sexuality must not be thought of as a kind of natural given which power tries to hold in check , or as an obscure domain which knowledge gradually tries to uncover .
4 All these feelings are normal and should not be thought to be ‘ wrong ’ .
5 Such interconnection between the two sectors , primary and secondary , should not be thought of as a burden .
6 But the general point is that vertical restraints should not be thought of , in social welfare terms , as intermediate between no linkage and complete integration .
7 Although a common form of procedure for research is being recommended here it should not be thought for one moment that a hard and fast programme is being suggested to which every research enquiry should conform .
8 Little girls of ten should n't be thinking about dreary things like funerals .
9 She should n't be thinking of him now , not here , not like this .
10 There s no reason whatsoever we should n't be thinking in terms of the championship anyway .
11 These cover all lifting tasks , and should n't be thought of as just applying in an industrial environment .
12 Again it may not be thought to be particularly helpful that God in God 's undifferentiated nature ( or indeed the Spirit in its rather vague nature ) are to be understood as ‘ female ’ , while ‘ divine energies ’ ( sic ) , that which is clearly differentiated and self-determining , is to be seen as ‘ male ’ .
13 That she might not be thinking of them , but simply indulging herself , is the only factor in the situation that would worry me at all . ’
14 A court might not be thought to be a particularly suitable body to make such a decision because , in many situations , the decision , whichever way it goes , will be politically highly contentious .
15 However , thanks to the efforts of Lord Dainton , and his rapport with Mrs Thatcher , whose tutor he was at Oxford , we are to get the New Library that in Bentley 's day could not be thought of , though the Victorians created an ideal solution for their day .
16 If we tried to describe a theory of legislation sufficiently uncontroversial to command close to universal assent among our lawyers and judges , we would be limited to something like this : if the words of a statute admit of only one meaning , no matter in what context they are uttered , and if we have no reason to doubt that this is the meaning understood by all the legislators who voted for or against the statute or abstained , and the statute so understood achieves no results not intended by all those who voted for it and would be so understood by all the members of the public to whom it is addressed , and could not be thought by any sensible person To violate any of the substantive or procedural constraints of the Constitution , or otherwise offend any widely held view about fairness or efficiency in legislation , then the propositions contained in that statute , understood in that way , are part of the community 's law .
17 However , by far the most common response from all parts of the country was ‘ they could relax and concentrate better at night as their minds would not be thinking about the jobs they should be doing ’ , .
18 Maxim doubted Blagg had bothered to rip open the suitcase linings ; he just would n't be thinking in those terms .
19 ‘ When you 're surfing big Waimea , you ca n't be thinking about anything — except for the moment .
20 Something that 's going to take your attention , because while you 're thinking about your hobby you ca n't be thinking about work .
21 So you go off to this evening class , while you 're doing that , you ca n't be thinking about the problems at work , because you 've got to concentrate otherwise you 're not going to get it done .
22 They certainly wo n't be thinking of anything else tonight .
23 Whatever it might be for you , but something that you 're going to have to be thinking about , and while you 're thinking about that you can not be thinking about work .
24 The tendency of the mind to move from one thing to another has to consist in the straightforward fact that one thing usually follows , or is caused by , the other ; the tendency or association can not be thought of as some experienced feature of the situation without reviving the original situation of having an unanalysed conception of the mind 's ability to reach out and apprehend things .
25 Oxford can not be thought of .
26 A rational player in a game can not be thought of as simply taking his rivals ' actions as given by some ad hoc assumption .
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