Example sentences of "[vb mod] [not/n't] have [verb] of " in BNC.

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1 Law Report : Jury should not have known of co-defendant 's guilty plea : Regina v Mattison — Court of Appeal ( Criminal Division ) ( Lord Justice Mustill , Mr Justice Nolan and Mr Justice Saville ) , 5 October 1989
2 I should n't have thought of the blinking . ’
3 You may not have heard of it , but you ought to know about it .
4 You may not have heard of some of these things , but one day you probably will .
5 YOU MAY not have heard of serial killer and cannibal Ed Gein , but you 've probably seen his movies .
6 You may not have heard of the journalist or author concerned but that does not mean that they are not engaged on a bona fide testing programme or working on a first-class magazine feature .
7 The SSR description should , where appropriate , restate any problems reported by the SPR to which it relates , since it is likely that the person who reported the original situation was not aware of the true cause , or may not have known of any related problems .
8 There 's one person you may not have thought of , and this would be the ideal opportunity to invite her .
9 They may not have thought of it as expertise , but when people said to me a particular ward is dirty , I went and looked at it , and in a very short time , within about ten minutes , that ward had got a massive clean-up team in there , that 's the sort of thing that I felt was useful .
10 He had chosen an hour at which the emir would certainly have retired , and might not have heard of his arrival .
11 JOHN CRIPPS has a few suggestions which you might not have thought of .
12 What he wanted were answers to some of the things they might not have thought of .
13 I could not have conceived of any circumstances in which it would have been sensible for any particular political group to murder Gaitskell , and the likelihood that it was murder — in such an immensely complicated fashion — seemed to me at first blush fanciful and absurd .
14 What she could not have thought of was this sort of permanent liaison , almost a marriage .
15 Eliot borrowed from it for The Waste Land , thus making it permanently famous ; Pound could not have known of it in 1911 , but if he had then visited the Templars ' cavern-church in Aubeterre he could hardly have failed to remember it in the light of jessie Weston 's argument .
16 I 'd gone to ground so the culprit could not have known of my presence .
17 Two years ago I could n't have dreamed of falling in love with an older man .
18 The concept of enforcement involves — as the word implies — the use of force , compulsion : one man 's right is enforced by others being compelled to do what they would not have done of their own free will .
19 His words were taken up by many who would not have dreamed of opening any of his more technical works , and he came to be in great demand as a speaker at rallies and at the numerous conferences and seminars on the death of images organized by the Universities , the Churches and the innumerable Humanist organizations which had mushroomed in the immediately preceding decades .
20 Miss Honey now decided to ask a question that normally she would not have dreamed of asking the class on its first day .
21 But they would not have dreamed of creating a new system of belief which might become a rival of Judaism — and , worse still , its persecutor .
22 When he asked if he could see her again the next day , she would not have dreamed of declining ; they saw each other for about a fortnight , and her enthusiasm for him increased with each meeting , though he said not a word of any interest in the whole two weeks .
23 We would not have dreamed of changing companies unless we both moved .
24 There are men out there who , three years ago , would not have dreamed of coming to a gathering like this .
25 Her own grandfather had regarded doctors as tradespeople and would not have dreamed of asking one to dinner , but most people below the rank of bank manager treated doctors with awe and respect , calling them ‘ Doctor ’ all the time .
26 ‘ Well ? ’ said Calatin who was , truth to tell , becoming just the smallest bit afraid of this strange , golden-eyed creature , but who would not have dreamed of showing it , because you did not show discourtesy to guests , not if you wanted business from them .
27 ‘ It depends , ’ she said : she was feeling happier since Memet had arrived but would not have dreamed of telling him so .
28 At Bewick she would not have dreamed of sitting by a fire in idleness while her clothes were sorted and shaken and put away in drawers and cupboards , which , when opened , gave out breaths of lavender .
29 Ordinarily he would not have spoken of one woman to another , but Miss van Williamsburgh was so straightforward , so unaffected , and Céline was always so near the surface of his thoughts .
30 Harvard Securities were paid to make a market in Towerbell Records , but as Tom Wilmot has pointed out , the dealer who sent that letter would not have known of the pending disaster since dealers were forbidden access to the firm 's corporate finance department by the so-called " Chinese walls " However Wilmot has sometimes blamed his dealers for breaching dealing regulations .
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