Example sentences of "[vb mod] [pers pn] [verb] that [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I suppose what I did there was put them on the spot so how could I word that so that it does n't put people on the defensive so much ?
2 Could you rephrase that please .
3 I 've drawn that up from the information I was given , I do n't know whether could you pass that on
4 Sorry could you repeat that please .
5 Could you repeat that please .
6 Yes , could you say that just a little louder , I 'm not sure that they caught it down in the lower basement .
7 Could we climb that fast , even allowing for the more modest grading of most of it ?
8 How could he explain that only by emptying himself into a woman was there any relief ?
9 Erm would you say that now you can get everything you need in Caldmore without venturing further afield or
10 That 's erm would you say that obviously it 's a b it 's very difficult to actually ask cos it to some extent you 'd be generalizing anyway , would you say that people in the flats , do stick together or or do you get some people who isolated and just k just do n't have any flats ?
11 Would you say that politically conscious art is ‘ conceptual ’ ?
12 The Prime Minister alleges that the social charter will cost jobs , but will he confirm that nearly three quarters of a million British citizens have lost their jobs since he became Prime Minister ?
13 Will he confirm that over £130 million has been invested in the coal industry in Wales since 1985 , and that our record compares favourably with that of the Labour party which , during its last two terms in office , closed a total of 56 pits in the Principality ?
14 Will he confirm that not only has British Telecom invested — this is what the Opposition keep talking about — £20,000 million in new technology , but it has contributed no less than £1,000 million in corporation tax to the Exchequer ?
15 Will he acknowledge that even those who are trying to implement hospital trusts are concerned that the dead hand of bureaucracy , which has increased , is hindering their work ?
16 And only when I have experienced this pressure , through them , and absorbed it , can I feel that here is the beginning of an interpretation .
17 Can I say that really all details of these watch schemes should go to Paul , so he 's got some detail of them .
18 In vain she had remonstrated with the powers that be that she had to be on the air in the Docklands by six , and when she finally pitched up , I had been put back on the phones for another session of ‘ And your address is — can you spell that please ? ’
19 Can you hold that please ?
20 can you see that please , can you make total of eight there , we 've got wait to orange like thing goes round to the eight
21 Yeah can you see that better there ?
22 Can you see that maybe , if at some time in the future , you do have er , some bad health , or perhaps get involved in an accident , that after a period of time , it might be difficult to actually find the money to pay for this plan we 're establishing tonight ?
23 So can we try that just to from a seated position not from from up the front .
24 Neither can we guarantee that everywhere on Earth will be warmer as the greenhouse effect progresses .
25 Nor can we say that only women have access to the powers of the night .
26 Can he ride that well ? ’
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