Example sentences of "[vb mod] [pers pn] [verb] [prep] these " in BNC.

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1 So what is on offer and what should we expect from these weighty tomes ?
2 But what importance should we attach to these broad employment trends ?
3 How should it respond to these various invasions of physical integrity , a quality which is highly valued by most citizens ?
4 So , should we , and could we compete with these sorts of practices ?
5 What would I do without these things I do n't know .
6 ‘ How would I feel in these circumstances ? ’ is not a bad beginning , although it can not be an ending .
7 All the same , what would you think of these reasons for inserting a piece of autobiography into the second defence of the English people , a defence of course for cutting off the head of Charles the First .
8 What would you say before these pictures ! ’
9 How much time would you spend on these preceding five things in an average week , month or year ?
10 Shall we talk about these ?
11 What questions will they raise and how will you deal with these ?
12 What sort of subjects will we tackle at these November lectures ?
13 Right so can I have my opinion or or can I speak with these other people 's opinion
14 What can I make of these ,
15 How can I build on these achievements next time ?
16 Nothing , absolutely nothing , so instead of thinking oh , what am I going to do about this , and can I get round here , if I turn round here , can I get round these bends or something , no I ca n't , it 'll all be sort of , no .
17 Now what else can you do with these pages .
18 With two new atoms added to the previous five , the children tackled harder problems ( ‘ How many different CFC molecules can you invent with these model atoms ’ ? ) , and towards the end of the two year trial they had become familiar enough with valencies and weights to take to the Periodic Table idea enthusiastically .
19 " How can you look at these things ? " , para> " I 've no idea . "
20 What we want to do now , can we stand on these ideas and put down on paper some more ideas of what circumstances and situations you could use for children 's role play .
21 Certainly they conceded that these activities were popular in the sense that millions of people availed themselves of them but their argument had been that only in a very limited way can we talk of these activities as belonging to the masses : rather they represented the expropriation and packaging of what had previously been popular forms by middle-class organizations and in most cases by businessmen and entrepreneurs .
22 What can we do about these bacteria then ?
23 If you see , throw it wide open , so it can safely give you lots of ideas , and then you can say to people who are adapters , right now what can we do with these in five years ?
24 ‘ If we go to your house today , can we look at these rooms ?
25 So what can we say about these ‘ representations ’ ?
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