Example sentences of "[vb mod] [prep] [be] [vb pp] in " in BNC.

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1 Just as disturbingly , the draft guidance goes on to suggest that in order to allow future generations to have some reserves after 2011 , some of these potentially very damaging permissions should to be held in reserve to satisfy the principle of sustainable development !
2 Just as disturbingly , the draft guidance goes on to suggest that in order to allow future generations to have some reserves after 2011 , some of these potentially very damaging permissions should to be held in reserve to satisfy the principle of sustainable development !
3 Cheesecakes used to be made in quantity for the feast .
4 Mr. Taylor : As many of the laws that used to be made in the House of Commons are now made by the Council of Ministers , and as we can discuss its decisions for only one and a half hours after 10 o'clock at night , does the Lord President agree that this makes nonsense of democracy and deprives the public of the knowledge of what is going on ?
5 They used to be made in the shape of Christ 's tombstone , and years ago , all bread baked on Good Friday was marked with a cross as a symbol of good luck .
6 The finest rice in all China used to be grown in fields around the village of Shatin , in Hong Kong 's New Territories .
7 erm And of course there 's a great deal of history which is now being written which is much more exciting than most of the history that used to be written in the past .
8 Our custodians used to be dressed in the same uniform as prison warders and their task was maintaining the monument and its grounds .
9 They used to be fed in the pen up there and they would n't be killed till Mondays .
10 By my bed there 's a wall and it used to be covered in orange- flowered wallpaper .
11 Buckets , well every night time , when we finished dredging , you had to wash down , wash the decks down cos I mean that the decks used to be covered in mud and slush , so all we had then was an old draw bucket on a bit of rope , over the side , there were n't no hoses then , we used to the bucket and then we used to swing all the mud back in there , in the river .
12 But erm and all sugar used to be packed in thick , very thick blue bags , heavy blue thick bags , and there 's an art in doing it as well in folding the the bag , I 've watched them hours and hours .
13 It used to be said in World War Two that careless talk cost lives .
14 He used to be ridden in a twisted mouthpiece double bridle and yet still he was very strong .
15 He used to be ridden in a twisted mouthpiece double bridle and yet still he was very strong .
16 A cattle market used to be held in the square but now it serves as a the town 's chief car park .
17 ‘ In those days casual wayfarers used to be housed in the Institution .
18 These two are the best guides to the little constellation of Scutum , with its famous open cluster M11 ; indeed , Scutum used to be included in Aquila , and there does not seem much justification for giving it a separate identity .
19 Yeah , they would , let the bake it we used to Danish foods and cos we used to have a Danish er , we used to have erm Polish ship come in one week and an English ship come in the next week and the , the bacon was just pigs were all killed , wrapped in sacking and tied with string , and they used to be laid in the hold like that .
20 Standard English used to be restricted in this way : if we look at Standard English as an historical dialect , then we find that 200 years ago it had a much smaller number of speakers in England , and had nothing like the geographical spread it has nowadays .
21 It is no accident that there is a similarity between the diagnostic test , above , and the claim which used to be advanced in transformational grammar to the effect that an attributive adjective incorporated in a noun phrase is derived from some such structure as : ( 6 ) the N present BE ADJ This proposal was questioned quite early in the development of transformational grammar ( see Berman , 1974 ) , and a major reason for this was precisely the fact that too many phrases with attributive adjectives were discovered where the derivation does not seem to be usable ; as we shall see later , there are other reasons why such a derivation may not work , apart from the issue discussed here .
22 I remember my mother having erm pieces of wood with apples rings on that used to be dried in the oven .
23 It used to be told in Cambridge how that severest of scholars , Professor A.E .
24 What to the Russians is a ‘ dacha ’ and to the Scots is a ‘ but and ben ’ used to be found in fair numbers along the east end of Cathedral Street … ’ summer quarters ’ they were called .
25 Downland breeding species such as the Dartford Warbler , Grasshopper Warbler , Stonechat , Wheatear , and Stone Curlew used to be found in areas now covered by residential and industrial development , and some species dependent on beaches have been severely reduced , such as the Little Tern and the Ringed Plover .
26 Jack Dromey of Brent Trades Council told me : Willesden and Stonebridge ( in NW London ) used to be known in the 30s as Red Willesden and Red Stonebridge .
27 Cheeses of this kind used to be known in country-house and home-farm dairy cookery as napkin cheeses .
28 Oh yes , I used to be known in , in , in , in my area as the kitchen man , you know , and sort of , people used to talk in the pubs and they 'd say , oh well you know , my missus wants a new kitchen .
29 They used to come home , the sh the show used to shut on a Friday at half past five and they 'd come by train then , years ago , they used to be loaded in London , Liverpool Street or one of the stations there , come down to Soham and we used to , they used to arrive here about er twelve o'clock time in the morning .
30 ( CFCs used to be used in aerosols but , because of pressure from consumers and environmentalists , few aerosols in Britain now employ CFCs . )
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