Example sentences of "[vb mod] [vb infin] or [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , it is important to note that an SRO may modify or waive the core rules ( on a case by case basis ) in order to adapt them to the circumstances of a particular firm .
2 Separation may result from clinical depression and , therefore , it may aggravate or maintain a pre-existing depressive condition …
3 A decision not to prescribe or an underestimate of need , with justified caution , may aggravate or precipitate a distressing withdrawal state , which a doctor has a responsibility to prevent or relieve and may make the prisoner unfit to be interviewed .
4 It is not difficult to see why in unplanned discourses speakers interested in successful communication should modify or correct the interpretation of utterances they have already made .
5 Section 39 is not itself a legislative provision , so the issue is whether Parliament intended by the legislation conferring such powers on the Bank of England that a section 39 notice should revoke or vary an injunction , or permit a party subject to the injunction to act in apparent breach thereof without attracting the sanctions of contempt of court .
6 You must isolate or note the bias and loading of words like " Tyranny " , " just " , " misguided " , " blame " .
7 If choreographers are to justify their reasons for creating a ballet , they should use or create a style of movement appropriate to and expressive of the characters in the story being told and their moods , emotions and actions .
8 If I start at the top with the user interface , then clearly we should use or employ a graphical user interface .
9 Within the period of the notice the cautioner must withdraw or justify the claim .
10 They can then apply for a further 24-hour extension but after that they must charge or release the pair .
11 They say that the court should appoint or direct the appointment of an amicus curiae to assist the court when , as here , there is a serious problem of locus standi in view of the confusion that exists in their native Somalia .
12 ‘ Mode ’ may be reflected in either a course title ( philosophy of , critical theory , foundations of ) or in the subtle detail of teaching and learning which may assume or encourage a ‘ normal ’ or ‘ reflexive ’ process .
13 Any special educational provision for a child provided with a statement under the 1981 Education Act may exclude or modify the national curriculum .
14 In this view , the solution to pauperism lay in ‘ eugenics ’ , defined by its founder , Francis Galton , as ‘ the study of agencies under social control which may improve or impair the racial qualities of future generations ’ .
15 The concept of eugenics was defined by its founder , Francis Galton , in the early 1880s as the ‘ study of those agencies under social control , which may improve or impair the racial qualities of future generations . ’
16 During the meeting , doctors and nutritionists will report on studies from around the world which show that certain vitamins may prevent or halt the progression of heart disease , cancer , rheumatism , and nervous disorders such as Parkinson 's Disease .
17 He moved gingerly about the kitchen , putting away crockery , as if he were afraid his touch might damage or contaminate the pristine glory of its equipment .
18 He rejects as mistaken the notion that the study of other religions might undermine or weaken a believer 's faith in his own religion .
19 The Society forbade any member to hold office or take as a spouse an individual who might invite or arouse the curiosity of the press .
20 In addition , it is an assumption that precludes them , to a large extent , from beginning to get to grips with the language- based problems that learners might experience and providing teachers with useful insights into how linguistic factors might help or hinder a child 's progress at school .
21 However , the context of the article may remove or reduce the rumour 's impact on the plaintiff 's reputation .
22 These conditions are likely to embody the provisions of the law of the country of the company concerned or be the subject of international convention or ‘ special contract ’ with government(s) ; any of which may limit or exclude the liability of the carrier .
23 Linlithgow 's Labour MP , Tam Dalyell , has aligned himself with local people fighting the proposed workings and has expressed concern that they could damage or destroy a line of beech trees bounding the site .
24 Throughout the eighteenth century and well into the following one , politicians could aid or hinder the career of a revenue officer , and they did not hesitate to employ that ability for their own ends .
25 They were the supreme embodiment of sovereignty ; the army owed obedience to them personally ; the debts of the State were their personal debts ; they could override or anticipate the decisions of any court of law .
26 Her annual garden party , for buyers of fleets of cars and trucks who dealt with her husband , was always a memorable occasion , reported upon in detail by the queen of the social columns of the Tollemarche Advent , a lady who could make or break a local hostess .
27 On 16 April the House Budget Committee reported out a budget resolution that incorporated $15.8 billion in cuts — $20 billion less than the administration had requested — and the battle was now joined for the votes of those who could make or break the president 's programme , the Gypsy Moths and the Boll Weevils .
28 I 've seen Arnold play so many good shots , but given the position he was in , knowing it could win or lose the Championship , that was his best for me .
29 There were an infinite number of ways in which the investigating magistrate could compromise or embarrass a police officer , whereas having the judiciary on your side was an invaluable asset .
30 It is an inexpensive , simple procedure which could be performed as part of the diagnostic histopathological process and could direct or reduce the need for subsequent imaging procedures .
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