Example sentences of "[vb mod] [vb infin] be [conj] there " in BNC.

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1 The other thing you should remember is that there are all sorts of confidences that you can apply to these sort of things .
2 A veterinary is what Uncle Tommy might have been if there had been the money to send him away to train , because he was very good with animals .
3 But what you might find is that there 's an association between smoking and non-smoking .
4 One reason for this may have been the conventional wisdom that secularisation had made the subject well nigh irrelevant , another reason may have been that there are few areas in which the methodological problems are as acute as they are in the investigation of people 's beliefs and/or the assessment of the effect that these have upon the rest of society .
5 Lessingham looked at Hilary and said coolly : ‘ It would have been if there had been the slightest point in it .
6 One problem which such an approach may pose is that there may be nothing left for special treatment .
7 All Commodore will say is that there are ‘ no new developments ’ .
8 One instance where this can arise is if there are two males of the same , or closely-related , species and they are of about the same size .
9 The only guarantee that I can give is that there will not be a Tory Government after the 1992 election .
10 What you can say is that there 's been acidification .
11 ‘ Well , all I can say is that there is a whole lot of bloody sheep as symbols as well in the Christian religion , ’ said Alison as she packed up her ‘ baroque ’ fiddle .
12 But what we can say is that there is a length of 306 characters in cows , which is virtually identical to a length of 306 characters in peas .
13 All I can say is that there was an innocent explanation for what you saw .
14 All I can say is that there was a young couple putting on a display in an Abbeyhill park recently which would have made my auld granny 's hair curl !
15 All we can ask is if there 's a councillor for Allenton listening to us , if they could get in touch and we 'll put them in touch with you and see if we can start it all over again Henry .
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