Example sentences of "[vb mod] [vb infin] [indef pn] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The fact is that you may need something to help you cope , sleep and carry on with your life .
2 ‘ He is so small and so dependent on us , we must do something to save him , ’ said Jason , 20 , from Flixton , Manchester .
3 Well I should hope somebody give it to me .
4 Erm example there of T. You 'll recognize the T. Now the first thing I should remind you is of course that to recognize anything we must have something to compare it against .
5 You should get someone to sponsor you , and organize your own system of rewards .
6 The thought is about how I must find someone to mend it before it gets any worse .
7 any way I 'll make summat to do it
8 I 'll recruit somebody to help me service my client bank , because it 's better to have fifty percent of something than fifty percent of nothing .
9 I 'll need something to border it too . ’
10 And I 'll need somebody to wake me up for work tomorrow . ’
11 and we need s we need Stuart gets a van he 'll need someone to help him lift the washing machine and so on like
12 ‘ The gipsies wo n't appreciate my help and they 'll do nothing to assist me , but this sounds as though it 's a very serious assault .
13 I 'll do nothing to hurt her ! ’
14 ‘ We 'll do everything to keep it out of the press , ’ he promised me .
15 ‘ If you come after me I 'll do something to prevent you . ’
16 That " say I 'm all the world to you , you 're out of your mind " " I know there 's someone else and I could kiss your behind " , Those " you say I 'm terrific but your taste was always rotten " feelings , " Go away , I need you " , " Come to me , I 'll kill you " , " Darling , I 'll do anything to keep you with me till you Tell me that you love , me , oh you did , now beat it will you " blues .
17 I 'll do anything to keep you in my arms . ’
18 [ Name ] is the type of fella that if there 's something to be done that might cause him paperwork , he 'll do anything to avoid it .
19 Even though he ca n't stand the sight of me , he 'll do anything to get me to play if he thinks it will help .
20 ‘ Please believe me , Clare , I 'll do anything to get you back . ’
21 He belongs to the drug he 's hooked on and he 'll do anything to get it .
22 He wants your practice and he 'll do anything to get it . ’
23 After all , her sire is a recent Best Of Breed winner at Crufts and she has the old fashioned ‘ I 'll do anything to please you ’ attitude of the best Retrievers .
24 They 'll do anything to make you dependent on them , and then they drag you to the altar and call it love . ’
25 ‘ I 'll send somebody to fetch 'em in the mornin' .
26 ‘ I must go on with the post , but I 'll send somebody to help you as soon as I can .
27 If you locate him we 'll send someone to interview him . ’
28 If you trip up with two hands in your pockets Amy , you 'll have nothing to stop you falling on your nose .
29 ‘ Well , at least you 'll have someone to meet you at Euston , ’ Rose said softly to Maggie who already knew that she would be met .
30 ‘ I mean we 'll pay someone to do it for us , ’ she snapped at him .
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