Example sentences of "[vb mod] [to-vb] a [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Men like Luke Hunter ought to carry a government health warning , ’ she agreed .
2 So I think we ought to see a little bit more of these doctors and a little more of these pharmacists also backing the National Health Service up er which they should .
3 The Havvie Blaines of this world ought to wear a sign warning decent women off — and he 's as handsome as the devil , which does n't help . ’
4 Nothing would , nothing could go wrong today ; he ought to find a betting shop and put some money on a horse , he felt so lucky , so good , so in tune .
5 Somebody ought to do a research project into it ; the answers are all there to be unearthed , if you 've got the time and the energy . ’
6 He always used to wear a bowler hat and very dark clothes .
7 He used to wear a Halloween mask to hide his birthmark when he played with his wee friends .
8 He went to er College , and he used to wear a mortar board , cos that 's the tassel hanging down , and this here thing .
9 One boxing scribbler of the tabloid persuasion used to recite a Guardian intro which Keating dashed off in a Bavarian hotel room , while struggling to complete a long overdue script for children 's television : ‘ Tonight in Munich , Muhammad Ali of The Universe will defend his world heavyweight title against Richard Dunn of 23 Railway Cuttings , Bradford , West Yorkshire . ’
10 She did n't wear Salvation Army uniform in school , but she used to visit a Goodwill centre in Bethnal Green and nothing of note escapes the eager eyed cockney .
11 Local man Paul McAllister heard the screams and raced to the scene with a ladder which he used to reach a bedroom window .
12 This cash was invested in France , some used to buy a holiday chateau at Narbonne , another £200,000 to buy 12 holiday chalets , and £100,000 to buy land options .
13 In order to keep the boys separate from the girls he used to draw a chalk line down the middle of our meeting room , and when we got carried away and crossed the line he would burst into a ferocious rage , pick up anything that was to hand — usually a book — and throw it at the offender , who had to duck fast in order not to be hit .
14 And you told me that she used to use a crochet hook .
15 I used to use a stop watch and then I thought of a better way .
16 He used to run a flower shop called Europlants Limited , at Hinders Yard , off Ermine Street .
17 Her younger sister Lucy , 21 , used to run a play scheme there .
18 I thought they used to run a carol service .
19 Till about 5 years ago I used to run a tea stall .
20 She used to smoke a clay pipe and shag tobacco .
21 Well it used to be a clothes shop but what you used to call a pawn shop in them days as well .
22 The ends of the chaplets ( metal pins used to hold a clay core in position inside the mould of a hollow statue or vessel during casting ) may show up as small patches of a different alloy on the surface of the finished piece .
23 Used to get a swimming pool in winter did n't we ?
24 That 's a bit like erm did n't you used to have a word box with words in ?
25 They used to have a joinery class there .
26 We used to have a lunch break at around about half past ten I think ti was , we used to go out for a quarter of an hour into the school yard to play and have your lunch .
27 I used to have a sewing machine , but I had to sell it when we got into difficulty with an electric bill .
28 Well I was in the tennis club when I was a er they used to have a tennis court at the back .
29 Remember we used to have a prisoner group did n't we , when I first came so that the
30 Simon used to have a Tokay gekko named Wizard .
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