Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] make the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Without a scientific analysis public policy-makers may only make the problem worse .
2 This may take a few iterations to achieve a good balance , but should eventually make the zero crossings correspond to more or less zero field .
3 He says that a good doctor should always make the patient feel comfortable about examinations , but patients should also make sure that another person is on hand .
4 The recent improvement in East-West relations must also make the market for military equipment less favourable .
5 You should also make the tread width appropriate to the rise , to make climbing and descending easier and safer .
6 Whereas in the past Catholic teaching had implied that all such matters should be left to God , however large a family one already had , the Council affirmed that ‘ parents themselves should ultimately make the judgement ’ ( Gaudium et Spes 50 ) as to whether or not they should have further children .
7 In Time magazine on the eve of the hearings Walter Shapiro offered advice for congressmen wishing to become stars , as Sam Ervin had at the Watergate hearings : they should play to the cameras , should not be afraid to wear their hearts on their sleeves , and should never make the mistake of reading their questions .
8 Involvement is one thing , but we should never make the mistake which we may have done in relation to local government , of appearing to focus all our energies in one direction .
9 One must too make the qualification that where a major talent is at work , even in a politically committed situation , then something more universal may result .
10 Politicians must never make the mistake of thinking the state must always know best , or that it is entitled to the lion 's share of people 's money .
11 It may also involve some degree of persuasion that the customer should consider purchasing the product , or should actually make the purchase .
12 In either event your spouse should actually make the covenant payments , not you .
13 In the same way , if your spouse pays income tax at the higher rate and you pay tax at only the ( lower ) basic rate , then in order to obtain Higher Rate Tax Relief , your spouse should enter into the covenant , or into a Joint Deed of Covenant with you , and he/she should actually make the covenant payments .
14 But for the moment let's just make the point that there are at least three classes of calcium channel , and they can coexist in the same membranes , and can be distinguished by several different criteria , and this is an example of how you can use the criteria that I 've discussed er previously er to characterize different classes of channel .
15 There are , however , two — perhaps three — who might eventually make the grade .
16 And I 'll just make the rest of the with salad in .
17 Whilst the , the London Region speakers come into the rostra I 'll just make the point , Peggy in fact is only the third women that 's spoken this morning .
18 You 'll just make the formula over-rich , which may make the baby dehydrated and , if you continue , overweight .
19 Curran also revealed that the Dublin soccer writers , most of whom appear to have written-off Derry 's challenge , have provided the motivation that might just make the difference .
20 Such a vision is as microscopic as Paul Scott 's is panoramic ; and a future historian , reading the Raj Quartet or J. G. Farrell 's Siege of Krishnapur ( 1973 ) , which tells of the Indian Mutiny , might easily make the mistake of supposing that the British are nostalgic for lost empire .
21 I 'll probably make the headline look smaller
22 One might equally make the query of many humans !
23 The justices accepted that publication of those documents would harm the national interest , and might even make the newspaper guilty of a criminal offence .
24 He 'll never make the anaesthetic , and even if he did , who wants to be a bloody cripple ?
25 Thanks but no-thanks , we 'd rather make the programme we want to , despite the horrendous budget problems .
26 In fact the United States boasted of its capacity for ‘ overkill ’ — another euphemism in the nuclear vocabulary — as if to wipe out one 's adversary several times over could only make the world a safer place .
27 Who could possibly make the connection ?
28 I cut up back towards Hackney and Fly 's opticians , judging I could still make the Banker by three , though I wondered why I was worrying about leaving Werewolf waiting in a pub .
29 If you do n't want to use your machine at all just now , you could also make the tubing by using one of those marvellous little gadgets for French knitting without tears , or even the classic four nails in the top of a cotton reel — slow , but wonderful to keep small children occupied for hours and very soothing for you too .
30 FTC could probably make the idea work without coverage of the 22 Premier League clubs or the European Cup mini-leagues , but it would be impossible to do so without the co-operation of the Football League clubs unloaded by the Premier League as , ironically , an impediment to their progress .
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