Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] do with [det] " in BNC.

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1 Hardy and Devos add a warmly expressive account of the Janáček Sonata , which could nevertheless do with more surge and abandon .
2 Although there are now more helpers at the club they could still do with more .
3 Although there are now more helpers at the club they could still do with more .
4 It could also do with more support for its keyboard .
5 Well you could probably do with that more than hm trousers .
6 Palaeo-biological precedent dictated such an organ be housed in Gavin 's ample rear , and have responsibility for his lower limbs — not to say urges — rather than his arms , but then one never knew , and I reckoned Gavin 's modest forebrain — doubtless fully occupied with the post-modernist sub-texts and tertiary structuralist imagery of Red Heat — could probably do with all the help it could get .
7 Check that you 've not become over-involved in running marathons — your family , friends and workmates could probably do with some of your attention .
8 ‘ We could both do with some tea while the three of us are talking over what plans need to be made .
9 I want some more chocolate , I could really do with another Boost .
10 I could really do with this .
11 The more traditional churches could often do with some of the energy and spontaneity of the newer fellowships .
12 I mean I could definitely do with these sides done .
13 Most documents could definitely do with some brightening up ; the question is , what sort of illustrative material to use ?
14 Erm , something else that I may well do with this spreadsheet as well I can foresee is , insert an extra
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