Example sentences of "[adv prt] [conj] down [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 For reply Robyn ran her hands instinctively across his chest , down and down to the waist of his jeans , further to his inner thigh , to the place where his need was strongest .
2 Brownie Owl was tall enough , by standing on tip toe , to look over and down into the hollow trunk of the decayed tree .
3 He drove her to the very edge of ecstasy and then , as the quivering tide of sensation gathered momentum , he tipped her over and down into the fiery vortex .
4 it creates extra communication problems , since top management is more remote from the work done at the bottom end of the organisation , and information tends to get distorted or blocked on its way up or down through the organisation hierarchy ;
5 With a modern diaphragm valve , it may only be necessary to move the float up or down on the serrated spindle connected to the valve arm
6 Scaling up or down on the ‘ chute diameter now raises another question , the number of gores to use .
7 In windy weather , the effects of the wind gradient near the ground accentuate any movement up or down of the towplane and glider .
8 some some extra layers on this , I mean I think that 's very valid and the extra layers include er one , the fact that since then there have been a number of royals who have divorced and so it is not unique for royals to be divorced and the Church of England has not jumped up and down about the fact that there are royals who are divorced particularly given that the , you know the Church of England are opposed to divorce .
9 He paced up and down between the scullery and the living-room as if on the deck of a ship .
10 They 'd be going up and down between the aisles as well .
11 And , anyway , I only cruised up and down outside the house twice just to make sure there was no one lying in wait .
12 The cockerel stood braced , shrilling its cry out into the mist , answering other calls from other compounds up and down across the hillside .
13 It had been wounded , and was struggling to stay afloat with its snout jutting horizontally above the water , its dark mane of bristle bobbing up and down amid the white rise of the current .
14 We wandered up and down to the inadequate refreshment kiosk , drinking soda and eating buns .
15 They come in here for one orange juice and they 're up and down to the loos five times in one night with different blokes . ’
16 Currency exchange negotiations for everyone on the ‘ open ’ market were conducted between the team 's administrator , John Brown , and the hotel 's elderly porter in a lift that went constantly up and down to the top floor until they were concluded .
17 His knee jerked up and down to the clacking of the metronome on the piano lid .
18 He dipped the headlights and the far end of the tunnel seemed to leap towards us , bouncing up and down to the thump of our tyres on the sleepers .
19 I think I 've been up and down to the Big Smoke more times since Christmas than I have in the past two years — and the jaunt next weekend — at long last Mark & I have managed to use a Boots free train ticket voucher — two of us for £45.55 — Baaargain !
20 Do 20 walking jogs on the spot , raising your arms up and down at the sides .
21 It had stopped munching away in its stall , pricked up its ears and jerked its head up and down at the powerful voice of the world-famous soprano .
22 He stamped up and down at the limit of the firelight and listened to the silence of the hills .
23 It was working perfectly back in Manchester , when you had it going up and down at the traffic lights to impress those schoolgirls . ’
24 We decided to forget about the third canister and made off across the cornfield at speed , the jeep bouncing up and down on the very uneven surface .
25 I can remember him coming home and moaning about his ‘ blooming job ’ and travelling up and down on the train . ’
26 And he banged the gun up and down on the gate .
27 They include poor handling and breaking in , anxiety or excitement , resentment of a particular form of work or a rider who bumps up and down on the horse 's back , or , of course , the horse may just simply prefer not to be ridden !
28 The player relies on his feel for putting , and all that bobbing up and down on the green , as if in supplication , is really only confirmation of what the player is reading as the borrow anyway .
29 Believe it or not , I jump up and down on the touchline like that every week ! ’
30 I laughed and thrashed my hand up and down on the arm of my chair in an ecstasy of amusement .
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