Example sentences of "[adv prt] [conj] i be in " in BNC.

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1 There was Ling 's list to be purchased from the wholesale stores … alterations to the house to be considered … an architect to pin down while I was in town and had the opportunity to do so — ’
2 ‘ The Special Branch managed to hunt me down when I was in Norfolk .
3 At around 4.45am , Mark rang the hospital and was told to bring me in when I was in pain .
4 No I do n't have to cos I always fill mine in when I 'm in there .
5 He wanted me to drive on and I was in no position to argue .
6 Cos Like I , I have Mondays off and I 'm in the house on my own .
7 It fell off when I was in the pool .
8 And if I carry on with this relationship I shall just end up where I was in New York , miserable , unhappy , alone .
9 I did n't wake up until I was in hospital ’ .
10 Whilst I saw myself as the hero 's faithful sidekick got up as I was in cowboy gloves with real leather fringes , two guns in holsters buckled on and tied around the leg for fast draws , ten gallon hat and waistcoat , Skippy insisted that I be the daughter of the murdered rancher whose cattle were being rustled .
11 And I do n't think I need point out that I am in the most awkward situation of all .
12 But I got myself straightened out and I was in the mood then to write some words , get into being into the music , get the tunes making me groove . ’
13 No , no , no you 've got it the wrong way round , I went , I brought you here and then I had to go back cos I was in the Royal Marine Police
14 I could n't even go out because I was in such a state .
15 Now I found this out because I was in a pub last night and someone told me .
16 I do n't want her sneaking out while I 'm in bed . ’
17 I was really angry about what had happened to her and I used to take my anger out when I was in the car , driving really dangerously .
18 But people were very good ; a friend from the farm came in to help out when I was in a real mess . ’
19 think back to a few years back when I was in training about a job and you might still think it now , but I could n't give , put ideas over to somebody on one-to-one training .
20 The kind of woman I would n't mind having around if I was in trouble though she might be a bit of a trial at other times .
21 I ca n't rem I were reading about when I were in hospital on er Tuesday while waiting
22 Why was that on when I was in ?
23 Well , tovarishch , I 've got to get my boiler suit on as I 'm in line for this year 's Mother of Industry washing machine .
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