Example sentences of "[adv prt] [conj] [vb past] for the " in BNC.

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1 The Captain sat down and reached for the telephone .
2 With a smile he put the rifle down and reached for the next in the stack at his side .
3 As soon as they had turned the corner , however , he put his paper down and headed for the row of pay phones that lined the wall .
4 Trent rolled over and swam for the beach .
5 I jumped off the bank I was sitting on and ran for the ball , elated .
6 When Stuart and I heard this we got up and looked for the nearest exit .
7 I polished off the lager , put my feet up and waited for the editorial meeting .
8 At one o'clock Rachaela ate lunch , and at five past two , half an hour too late , she got up and left for the antiques shop .
9 Jackie stood up and reached for the bottle .
10 I scrambled up and reached for the eject button on the cassette deck .
11 The Doctor hauled himself up and reached for the tank 's hyper reverse facility .
12 He got up and reached for the phone .
13 Then suddenly she got up and made for the piano .
14 When I could make it , I got up and made for the nearest shelter .
15 as they reached up and felt for the fruit .
16 Not daring to put on the light , she sat up and felt for the glass of water on the bedside table .
17 He was much respected for his knowledge of golf courses , but was a throwback to the days when caddies wore old macs or tweed overcoats , slept rough in the summer , and in October committed a misdemeanour mild enough to ensure six months in jail to see them through the winter and send them out sobered up and refreshed for the new golf season .
18 Leonora contemplated argument , abandoned it , and , without taking the hand , got up and started for the stairs on leaden feet , full of foreboding about the night ahead .
19 Alec picked himself up and raced for the door .
20 I thought it was a fine display of irreligious pop art myself , but the local Scout Master must 've taken offence , for the Dog pack packed up and headed for The Robey , where they currently host their anti-establishment , multi-media club nights .
21 The two women jumped out and sprinted for the front door of the cottage , Donna struggling with the key .
22 I looked out and saw for the first time the main street of Koraloona 's largest town , Anani : a dusty white strip of road , a long row of assorted shops , a few cars .
23 The surfers bailed out and dived for the bottom .
24 As a practical measure , keep a full record of all jobs that you apply for and the responses that you receive to show that you have not simply sat back and waited for the money to roll in .
25 So , with flight planning filed , mostly mentally , I sat back and waited for the weather to give me a perfect day .
26 The DDA sat back and waited for the Exec Director to continue .
27 With Lithuania not given a snowball 's chance , Lansdowne Road sat back and waited for the avalanche … and waited … and waited .
28 I said , and I pushed the instrument back and paid for the rest .
29 So I flipped around and made for the ground , I 'd completely lost my bearings , I did n't recognize it , did n't even know which panel it was .
30 Ralph stood up and controlled the flames around and beckoned for the team to run quickly to the staircase .
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