Example sentences of "[adv prt] [conj] [vb past] i [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There were no brakes , and if I had stumbled , then the bar that ran between the shafts behind me would have caught me in the back and either dragged me along or knocked me to the ground .
2 She leaned in and pecked me on the lips .
3 One Saturday a woman came in and took me to a big room where there was another woman with two children .
4 If Samoa , Mount Silisili and yesterday were indeed somewhere out there , I would have to take their presence on trust : I doubt if the visibility was more than five miles , and less as the squalls rolled in and drenched me in my eyrie .
5 I was getting caught up in the rat race and thin round the edges spiritually , when the Lord stepped in and reminded me of a promise He made before we left Kent .
6 Up and up we went and when I could walk no longer he lay me down and covered me with kisses and love bites .
7 The serjeant-at-arms , hidden behind the guard of his conical helmet , dragged me down and pushed me into a chamber where a candle glowed in the darkness .
8 And with that he bent over and lifted me to my feet and told me to be off , which I did not need to be told twice to do .
9 She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek .
10 There was a scuffle ; the other policeman came over and kicked me in the stomach .
11 I was also warned to stay away from the tennis court if anyone was playing , but on one Saturday , a party was in progress and Miss Betty Farr , who must have been in her early twenties , spotted me trying not to be seen , called me over and plied me with cakes and lemonade .
12 Lady Diana stayed on and accompanied me on my first walk with the pram out of the garden .
13 Dad patted me on the head and Mum gives me this little kiss on the cheek and then they went off and left me with this old woman .
14 But then you rushed off and left me without a chance to say the most important thing of all … ’
15 As I opened the case I heard a groaning , splintering noise , which caused me to experience extreme pain as the bridge flew off and whacked me on the side of the head !
16 The mosquitos came up and bit me in the dark .
17 The mosquitos came up and bit me in the dark .
18 Moustaine made me stand up and slapped me across the eyes with his leather gloves .
19 Suddenly the official got up and took me to the lift .
20 ‘ After missing the P-38 , a friend in Fresno , California rang me up and told me of a Corsair that was being advertised for sale in the American journal Trade-a-Plane .
21 At noon Sir Michael Adeane rang up and asked me to be at the Palace at 2 o'clock .
22 He said as much when he got up and drove me to the airport . ’
23 She picked me up and held me in front of her face .
24 I am a 39-year-old man weighing 11 stone and I was trying to cuddle my nine year old when she picked me up and threw me across the room .
25 He did n't , he picked me up and threw me against the van and ran off .
26 As we lifted it , it came out and banged me on the top there , and it knocked me out , knocked me out and I was going to the doctor , but what frightened them all , this was the funny thing , what frightened them all to death , was the fact that I was violently sick you see , and all was bright red you see , and well the fireman passed out , well , do you know what it was ? we had blackcurrant !
27 P : I was coming home from a party with Robert Mitchum drinking cider when one of Shane 's gang came out and stabbed me in the arm … ( goes on for about ten more pages — Freudian Ed )
28 He came running out and took me by the sleeve in the darkness .
29 ‘ I 've got to lie here for the next twelve hours without moving with an ice-pack over half my face because you walked out and left me to the mercy of a predatory pit-popsy ! ’
30 It 's about the fact that when you walked out and left me on Saturday night you went straight to Lexy !
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