Example sentences of "[adv prt] [conj] put it [adv] " in BNC.

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1 but I 've only , in fact , used ten because someone took the microphone in and put it back in the wrong place .
2 eventually it 'll get more and more computer wise , its the same in the motor trade or any trade it all , if the machine goes wrong all they 'll have is a pack , just pull the pack out , put a new pack in and put it back
3 He turned the paper over and put it back on the top of the pile .
4 Well I said that does n't excuse the thing of , of tipping all over and putting it inside and not shifting it .
5 On Sundays , she did her hair with far more care than usual , arranging it in smooth red coils and loops , and , with her uncustomary neatness and her grand necklace and her look of youth , she acquired a startling , hare-like , fleeting beauty , pared to the bone ; a weird beauty that lasted until bedtime , when she took the necklace off and put it away again .
6 The first members of the teams run up to the suitcases and put everything on , run round the back of the rest of the team and then take everything off and put it back in the suitcase before running back and touching the next member of the team who repeats the process .
7 up here and I , I 've been keeping putting it off and putting it off .
8 I was going to pick it up and put it outside again when a woman , a psychiatrist 's wife , stopped me .
9 ‘ Roll it up and put it away , Snake , ’ came the response .
10 I folded it up and put it away in a small carved wooden box in which I kept other trinkets and treasures of no significance to anyone except myself .
11 Hurry up and put it on there I do n't want to stand with these forever .
12 Hurry up and put it on will you .
13 Alexandra watched it , wondering whether she ought to get up and put it back before it started to spit flame and muck on to the carpet .
14 The upper and working classes , being less verbal , less given to talk of shoulds and oughts between the sheets , have less trouble , if you 'll forgive me , simply getting it up and putting it in , to the relief and satisfaction of everyone concerned .
15 yes , I took the old one out and put it in
16 If they 're gon na have to cut hole out and put it in .
17 And you have n't got a utility to do it , you just have to take it out and put it back on again ?
18 Rem it rem it out and put it back in later and see if it crashes .
19 And so since that was going to be demolished and built over by a a housing estate anyway , we ripped it out and put it back down here .
20 I can take that out and put it back .
21 but I 've just took number five out and put it back in box , cos it tells you number five , number three
22 And if they get together neither wants to pay because they have n't done anything , we 've only taken the stuff out and put it back in again .
23 I had all my corner cabinet that corner cabinet out and put it down this end cos I 've wanted to move it cos I 've wanted me christmas tree .
24 and it was just a case of erm pot luck , I would sort of brought it out and looked at it and , er no it was n't cooked , it was cooked on the edges so I turned it over and turned it round and put it back in again .
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