Example sentences of "[adv prt] [conj] give [pron] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ After we lost in Moscow , I ushered the team back into the locker room and locked the door before any administrators could get in and give them a load of bull about how well we had done to run the mighty red machine so close .
2 I 'll just pop in and give them a good scare .
3 When he come in and give him a big kiss .
4 Bring him in and give me a shout .
5 He stood up when she came in and gave her a big friendly smile .
6 Finally he got so used to me calling that he asked me to come down and give them a hand fixing it up .
7 Money never conspired between them , between , they just all would come down and give you a hand and that was it .
8 so I said right I 'll come down and give you a you a hand with it and it was the re-dedication or re-commissioning of a ship
9 We sat them down and gave them a drink and asked them the usual stuff .
10 I sort of kneel down and give her a touch on the shoulder .
11 But another judge will come along and give it a fine mark , but
12 If you have n't , then , you ought to phone your local beat officer and get him to come along and give you a survey
13 When someone comes along and gives you a mouthful , not maliciously but to put you right , boy do you like it ! ’
14 I leave at 7.30am and by 8am have checked Skipper over and given him a small handful of feed in his manger ( which seems to keep him happy when other horses are fed and means I do n't have to wait an hour for him to digest a full feed ) .
15 I was so surprised to see Ken , so relieved , that I rushed over and gave him a kiss .
16 Go on and give him a kiss .
17 Right I 've mentioned questions you 'll notice that we 've got money and retirement mister John from now most of you may have seen the name in various erm very good speaker John you 'll a you 'll appreciate ca n't really say enjoy his talk because he really goes on and gives you a lot of information you 'll appreciate it rather than enjoy it .
18 And it but the erm the goats apparently were no problem today , they just stayed on and gave them a few bits and pieces you know so that was fair enough .
19 I mean the big fellows here they 've got to try and run it off or give it a tug and come off come off and get the er the sub on .
20 England 's a fascinating and beautiful country — so why not take off and give yourself a break ?
21 They took most of their clothes off and gave you a lesson in their personal anatomy .
22 ‘ Now , pop your trews off and give her a cuddle ; and make sure she 's out of here soon , I do n't want her mooning about in the morning . ’
23 Take your head off and give it a rest .
24 He 'd only sustained minor injuries and the drummer had patched him up and given him a pair of free tickets for an anniversary concert in Tierra del Fuego .
25 Soon something would open up and give him a path to follow .
26 I just tell him to shut up and give him a sharp rap across the knuckles .
27 Cos Johnny can come up and give us a hand ca n't he ?
28 But , firms are beginning to open up and give us an opportunity actually to take youngsters in and see what it 's all about .
29 Mister C hops up and gives me a demo .
30 in village , not far up us and er I were getting round me mum and pulling on her skirts and and this old woman says , get him fed Frances , he wants a bit of pap , get him , get him picked up and give him a bit of pap and that 'll shut him up
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