Example sentences of "[adv prt] [conj] you [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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31 Erm in fact telephones , I mean talking back to nineteen forties and fifties , very few people had telephones , and it was n't uncommon in , in those days on fire engines , where , I know at Salisbury we did this , we took a bike and put it on the back of a fire engine , and if you were the youngest you were told , send the stock message back , or the informative message back , and find the telephone , and you pedalled and find the telephone , and , and you 'd get told off when you came back , why you were n't quicker about taking it .
32 You can pick up where you left off .
33 Call the doctor in if any part of your body swells up or you come out in spots or rashes .
34 But it was true , what Jim said , in business you ca n't stand still , you go up or you go down , you ca n't just sit comfortably in your own 1972 executive four-bedroomed plate-glass-windowed centrally heated wall-to-wall-carpeted gadget-equipped house , with your Rover and your wife 's Mini in the two-car garage , and your pot plants in your loggia , and your electric lawn mower in the shed : you ca n't sit still and enjoy it , you ca n't call it a day and call a halt when you own it all and do n't owe anyone a penny , you have to go on and on , relentlessly onwards , juggling with larger and larger sums , owing more , paying out more , until finally perhaps the whole thing comes tumbling round your head like a pack of cards .
35 You either build up or you break down .
36 You pick it up and you thumb through and you think , you look at a headline , you look at a picture , you first look at a first paragraph and you think , ‘ This is , this is for me . ’
37 pick them up if you come out
38 Or I 'll run you up while you run in to shop and I 'll go and turn round .
39 Warm your voice up before you get up there .
40 I mean if if I 'd done that this morning and I 'd written it all up before you came in and then said well what we 've done is this and then we did that and then we did that but as as it was generated as we discussed then then you were with me I hope at the way it went
41 Now suspect that this is something that most people fall into on their first few training sessions which is all to be about this er er er have you got any questions and most people I was gon na say good morning , but you got a paragraph down now and it 's all about slowing down and you can speed up as you go through but it 's certainly the opening slowing down .
42 Improvisation should not , in any way , be confused with the rather general idea of ‘ making things up as you go along ’ , which has no real purpose beyond that of entertainment .
43 You make it up as you go along .
44 ‘ … You get your wellies wet , so to speak , and you pick things up as you go along . ’
45 Electronic publishing is n't like word processing , it 's not that easy to ‘ pick it up as you go along ’ — at least not if you want professional results .
46 They said well it does n't matter , you know , you 'll pick that up as you go along , so I was really thrown into the secretaryship you know .
47 No no no no this is all rubbish you 're making this up as you go along yeah ?
48 Right , so I mean obviously if there 's anything that comes up as you go along I 've got ta be able to you know you and I , I 'll just chat it through , but when it comes to things like er me talk to you , sales talk to you for instance about a comparative question , you would n't know what I was talking about would you ?
49 It 's a sort of make it up as you go along is it ?
50 They 're justification for the ‘ he-man ’ tag , with heavy everything at low speeds and not much more than a token lightening up as you press on harder , but not so heavy as to wipe out the sports car 's essential touch of delicacy .
51 And finally on the A four one this evening , there is patching work on the A four one at various locations throughout the road this evening , which could hold you up as you travel along there .
52 Praise you up when you go around kicking things , walking about with your eyes shut you 've got to join the Fire Service and you walk , you canna walk about with your eyes shut , you ca n't , people that have been injured in the head they 're going to be screaming about it are n't they your eyes are wonderful things Matt , they give you all round vision , you can see from , from the side of your eye if you look it 's like everything else if you do n't use it properly , you do n't get the benefit from it
53 Look me up when you come through .
54 Erm there 's a shop erm that 's right up when you come out at the library th on the er , pelican crossing
55 Neither is anyone going to fetch and carry for you when you are in bed with influenza , or be there to patch you up when you fall over , burn or cut yourself .
56 ‘ You can look it up when you look up ‘ pytle ’ , ’ said Rufus .
57 Churning is not good for buyers though : endowments are meant to be long-term investments , and it should have been made clear to you when you bought the policy that you would lose out if you cashed in before the end of the agreed term , which is typically , 25 years .
58 Please have a think you know have a think about some of the things have a look out if you get out anywhere tonight watching people when they 're together just watch them any ideas that you have tomorrow we 'll start off with the first ten minutes just going over some of the things we talked about this evening .
59 Watch out if you live in and around Newark or you 're heading out that way , you must get one of their brochures .
60 ‘ Well , you 'd better make your will out before you come in again , ’ said Dolly , ‘ because I 'm goin' to do you in as soon as you put your face round the door . ’
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