Example sentences of "[adv prt] [conj] i [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Then someone will call us and they will take a blood sample , and I will be terrified as the needle goes in and I feel that they are draining me , that I have no blood left to give .
2 erm another area of my work is as I er writing workshops , the writing workshops are very different from the normal writing workshops there based at galleries and they take groups of people round an exhibition recording their comments on either one particular picture or the exhibition as a whole and then with my help we put the comments into poems that are then displayed along side the exhibits , erm this work I do with erm all sorts of people with children people with special needs , disabled people and , and that 's really where my interest in art erm comes in and I find that its a great leveller for people who would like to express themselves and have perhaps have difficulty by aiding , by looking at paintings and being able to see perhaps emotions or images that they , they feel themselves , so in all areas erm I find painting in my areas of work , painting influences me and has done for as , as long as I can remember .
3 And the days go down and I think that there 's numbers at the bottom .
4 Buckets , well every night time , when we finished dredging , you had to wash down , wash the decks down cos I mean that the decks used to be covered in mud and slush , so all we had then was an old draw bucket on a bit of rope , over the side , there were n't no hoses then , we used to the bucket and then we used to swing all the mud back in there , in the river .
5 Well I 've put the big one in but I know that the rest would n't go in .
6 And for , our children when they grow up cos I had three children nearly every one that had come into the town had little ones so you see we were trying to build a town for our children to benefit which I do n't know whether you think that it 's a town worth living in but I think that we have done very well and it 's a town that is caring for such as the elderly they really do care !
7 I am bound to say that his personality and his voice with his Glasgow accent were a little disconcerting at first ( I felt rather as if I were being addressed by my highly educated carpenter ) , but he inspired me with such confidence as he went on that I forgot that , and of course one has to recognise that a new era in political life has dawned for England , the old aristocratic school is practically swept out of it , it is the dawn of the new " regime " .
8 As time went on and I knew that I had a fight on my hands , healing became as important to me as my new diet or the other new therapies .
9 The King 's Government has to be carried on and I think that you are the only man who has a chance of doing this successfully .
10 Well , I think it erm , very , I mean I think as you said Chairman , if erm , there 's a clear majority for one party it 'll unblock a whole lot of delay and decision making which I think is going on and I think that that should be helpful .
11 He rang off and I realised that I ought to leave shortly since Jack was due to tee off at midday .
12 I mean in so I I come here today with a petition that I presented that also talks about proposing to abolish the merger , I mean this is a move just one step away from that but I still feel in what was proposed at the last full council meeting and I would express my views to the officers that in light of what has been suggested today is actually implemented to the wording as it stands because the joint working party that had been er written up previously never did meet although if I can inform it was only the officers who actually met up and I hope that in light of all the working group and the two heads of centres covering for each other would be implicitly applied .
13 Indeed , there is so much dissatisfaction with that union from within the prison service that another union , the Prison Service Union , is being set up and I understand that it has so far received 1,000 pledges from prospective members .
14 Sufferers from Chemical Dependency say " I have tried repeatedly to give up but I find that I can not .
15 I immediately asked Dennis if he was OK , and pointed out that I thought that the ball had jumped up from a good length .
16 So it was a way of getting out and I knew that eventually the council would have to rehouse me .
17 The searchlight was switched out and I saw that there was a wall of barbed wire running parallel with the road on one side .
18 I have n't had a period for over a year , and although sometimes I think to myself ‘ I 'm all right really ’ , then I remember I have n't got my periods back and I realise that it 's not as simple as it seems .
19 I knew you might work it out but I reasoned that if I did n't rush forward to explain all , you might catch the culprit first and never have to trouble me . ’
20 Eric grinned at me and I smiled back because I knew that , at well over sixty , he still played a very competitive game of golf off a handicap of ten .
21 ‘ I came back because I discovered that without him my head splits into a thousand pieces .
22 I have tried to do that year in , year out because I believe that in environmental terms — if in no others — keeping people , their sheep and their cattle in the hillsides is essential if the hillsides are to be kept as they should be .
23 I did use more at first when I was buying grams , say a year ago , when I was doin' that , but , say this last year I was trying to pace meself out 'cos I knew that I 'd run outa money eventually , so I had to try and make it last … .
24 It 's early days but if the injury hung around and I thought that pulling out of the world championships was a necessary course of action to prevent more serious problems , I 'd do it without hesitation . ’
25 I originally bought it because it was easy to carry around and I figured that it would make a nice practice guitar .
26 But then he started screwing around and I learned that deaf and dumb people are a bad-tempered lot — well , would n't you be ? — because they get so frustrated and I grew out of that one too .
27 I feel erm personally when I was younger that I was taught about love long before I feel in love sort of idea you know comics , the old movies , gave us expectations about what love was all about and I felt that had a , has a big influence in how yeah , when you grow up you feel , you meet this man and
28 This was a very old set and did not always work ; as I did not make contact with the control tower I came round and I saw that it was all clear for me to land , so I put my wheels down and made my approach .
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