Example sentences of "[adv prt] [conj] have [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , so shaken was she that , without being fully aware of what she was doing , she had invited him in and had led the way into her sitting-room before she had got herself back together again .
2 But the contention was put forward on Mr. Steed 's behalf that , even if the transfer were only voidable and notwithstanding that the building society was not implicated in and had had no notice of the Hammonds ' fraud , nonetheless the court had a discretionary power under section 82 of the Land Registration Act 1925 to order that the building society 's charge be deleted from the register , leaving Mr. Steed with an unencumbered title and the building society to claim an indemnity under section 83 .
3 But he had n't deserted her , he had arranged a suitable marriage with his under-gardener , had given the couple the lodge to live in and had had the child named after one of his sweetest heroines , Brenda Nevil of Wrenwood .
4 It came from a very smart left-hand catch by Hick , his sixth of the match , a reprimand by gesture to WCM for putting him down as having missed a catch ( Aqib ) in the Lord 's Test which actually fell an inch or two short of Hick 's fingers .
5 ‘ It is the rarest boat we have worked on and has created a lot of interest , ’ said Mr Freebody .
6 League spokesman David Howes said : ‘ Our planning of a streamlined , higher profile tour certainly paid off and has set the pattern for future trips . ’
7 A straggler had also been rounded up and had rejoined the other whales .
8 The police had done a reasonable job of cleaning up and had put a plastic sheet over the hole in the window to keep the rain out .
9 Expect some caution in the first 15 minutes , until the players are warmed up and have judged the mood and tempo of the game .
10 In Lesotho a four man primary curriculum research unit has been set up and has undertaken a sample survey of primary schools under four headings ( i ) The physical environment ; ( ii ) the curriculum ; ( iii ) methods of learning and teaching leading to ( iv ) recommendations .
11 She says they have children to bring up and have suffered the stress of a broken marriage and now they have to cope with all this .
12 It was generally felt he would have won at St Andrews after his 29 for the first nine in the first round if he had n't had part of the round washed out and had to continue the next day .
13 ‘ Gittens has helped us out and has scored the crucial equaliser against Wolves .
14 The closing of a station intangibly but significantly diminishes the spiritual life of a country and its people , for it brings down the curtain with devastating finality on a stage which has seen a thousand dramas , comic and tragic , played out and has mirrored the changing moods of the nation , has etched itself into the working lives of some , the emotional lives of others .
15 ‘ I managed to get two rods out but had to sink the line below the water to avoid the ice which was being blown towards me , ’ said John .
16 Basler have gone for metal-covered flying surfaces all round and have altered the shape of the wingtips — giving the DC-3 's nicely curved wingtips an angular look .
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