Example sentences of "[adv prt] [conj] be [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The procedure to be followed by the Test Manager for problems that do not originate in or are not caused by the sub-system being tested is described below .
2 But this argument is weakened when democratic arrangements break down and are not replaced by socialism , as has frequently occurred in industrializing countries .
3 The explanation is that , given a totally unvarying diet over a long period of time , especially if it is from kittenhood right through into adult life , a cat 's ‘ food variety mechanism ’ gets worn down and is finally switched off altogether .
4 The stairs went both ways , up and down and were thickly coated with dust .
5 Men and women were knocked down and were still assaulted and kicked on the flour .
6 This is not knitted in but is quickly added in making up .
7 More fragile sites often need to be roofed over or be completely enclosed in order to prevent their deterioration .
8 Its reaching out to the people who 've not been through the processes that we 've been through and are still attached to ideas that are in essence racist , imperialist , sexist , heterosexist , and how we , nevertheless , draw those people into activity .
9 A 15-note phrase takes over and is continuously repeated , the left hand accompanying figure becoming more and more embellished until octaves grab the attention , with the right hand adding cadenza passages to create a maelstrom of excitement .
10 But this does n't affect the fact that they would topple over , for in worlds most similar to ours tailless kangaroos do topple over and are not given crutches .
11 Watched by the players from Holywood — who later went on to beat Annadale 6–2 to strengthen their title credentials — Garvey started tentatively , fell behind early on and were then left to chase it .
12 Instead , he drove off and was later found dead by police after she raised the alarm .
13 Another passenger jumped off and was slightly injured .
14 So Shaun got to hold court , shoot his mouth off and was rarely challenged for his dodgy comments .
15 A VET clipped the wings of a valuable parrot to stop it escaping — but when the owner got it home it flew off and was never seen again .
16 The Eagles are finding it difficult to take off but were still compared with a high-flying elite — the SAS .
17 The man rang off but was soon contacted by officers from the force 's Firearms Unit who ordered him out of the building on Crosshall Street .
18 Their tracks met those of the company end on but were not connected .
19 In this series , the histological diagnosis was based on biopsy specimens , staging procedures systematically included abdominal and chest computed tomography and bone marrow biopsy , and most patients were not operated on but were successfully treated with monochemotherapy .
20 ‘ Then resentments build up and are n't balanced by any real sense of pleasure , companionship and intimacy , ’ says Dr Evans .
21 The figures we have used are made up and are not intended to indicate any trend in Oxford .
22 AFTER 16 years of marriage we are splitting up and are both agreed that it is the best thing to do .
23 The 90/110 type plugs which are parallel wired will not fit your head , but I believe there is a type , new on the market , which will replace the old type and make them quicker to heat up and are parallel wired , so if one burns out the rest will start the engine .
24 In spite of my enthusiasm and my growing sense of self-importance , one con keeps cropping up and is finally given life by a fellow banker from Chase Manhattan , whom I sit next to on the flight into Kuala Lumpur .
25 The rabbit runs to a hole you have already ferreted and blocked up and is immediately mesmerised and does n't know where to go next .
26 This hatred builds up and is then passed on to the next generation .
27 Will he confirm that he was not detained or locked up and was widely recognised as the leader of this party — unlike the experience of the right hon. Member for Islwyn ( Mr. Kinnock ) after four years as Leader of the Opposition ?
28 ‘ And so should yourself be , too , Owen O'Clery , ’ he had muttered as he laid his fiddle-case on the opposite seat , curled himself up and was immediately transported to his own dreamland .
29 McKellar 's subjects " … quite frequently likened the images to lantern slides … " and furthermore their unrelatedness both to current preoccupations and to each other made them seem like a series of lecturer 's slides which had not only " … been mixed up but were really intended for some other lecture " .
30 This time she had to fight back or be utterly shamed .
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