Example sentences of "[adv prt] [conj] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You have to put them up because the notes are on or below the middle line .
2 Payment of salaries and pensions was 221,600 million roubles in arrears , and half the population was said to be on or below the monthly minimum consumption level ( set in June at 2,150 roubles ) , as prices for goods and service rose faster than wages and food production fell by 23 per cent .
3 Any child whose weight is on or below the third centile ( i.e. only three in every hundred children will be this weight at this age ) is very seriously underweight .
4 For most people , a penny on or off the standard tax rate — that formulation again ! — pales into insignificance compared with their pre-tax income , the inflation rate , the size of their pension and their mortgage interest rate .
5 Conversely , any child whose weight is on or over the ninety-seventh centile is seriously overweight .
6 That was done and completion actually took place is pleaded as the twenty second of November , the er defendants admit completion took place on or about the twenty fifth of November .
7 I really would like to comment further , but I 'm not able so to do er we have all heard the autumn statement er from the Chancellor of the Exchequer last week , following on from that we expect to receive the draft standard spending assessment for Suffolk on or about the twenty sixth of this month , er and it really is , will be er when we have that indication that er Policy Committee will give to er , pull together the strings for the preparation of next year 's budget .
8 go on or about the running railway
9 If the court dismisses the application , it must make an order authorising the creditor to present a bankruptcy petition either forthwith or on or after a specified date .
10 If you move on or after the 1st April 1991 you will normally lose the reduction although there are certain circumstances when this is not the case . ’
11 Between the 4th and 15th and on or near the 27th you may face some extraordinary turns of events .
12 Darkfalls occur regularly on or near the same locality .
13 All the offences happened on or near the same two footbridges on the Fishermead estate .
14 If you 're thinking about improving your lifestyle , do n't be put off by a well-meaning person who may try to get you to change your mind — especially on or around the 19th .
15 It looks great when it 's down or in a simple self-knotted style .
16 Erm so that it would be in our view desirable that the level of provision for York was that which was realistic to er to accommodate , in this case it appears to be thirty three hectares and that the er the a additional element should be located in in or between the other districts in the Greater York area .
17 Our minds ca n't cope with the large distances that astronomy deals in or with the small distances that atomic physics deals in , but we can represent those distances in mathematical symbols .
18 ‘ or on a road ’ covers potential danger or actual danger to pedestrians or anyone not actually in or on the offending motor vehicle .
19 I hereby acknowledge that I have received from the sum of £ in payment for the fixtures , fittings and chattels now in or about the above premises listed in the Schedule below AND I confirm that I am absolutely entitled to the same free of any charge , hire-purchase agreement or other incumbrance affecting the same or any of them .
20 ‘ Reserve stock , describes a closed access part of a library located in or near the same building as the open access collections .
21 In the hypognathous head the long axis is vertical and the mouthparts ventral ; the occipital foramen lies in or near the transverse plane .
22 You can also use them safely in or around an ornamental pond .
23 But it is only in and through the Christian modification of the God-consciousness that the significance of Jesus can be grasped , and it is in terms of God-consciousness that his person and work , who he was and what he achieved , must be interpreted .
24 To say ‘ the Word was made flesh ’ , then , refers not to a simple identity of God and Jesus but to a relationship in which God lovingly identifies himself in and with a real human person , 80 that that person can truly be called the Word , the self-communication and self-objectification of God in human terms … .
25 They , too , need to know without delay where they stand so that they can prepare to work in and with the new structures and make their own bids for funds .
26 The trade unions are a problematic force both in and on the uneasy edges of the system of power ; a variety of factors have conspired to produce an upsurge of competing participants and conflicting demands ; elected governments have frequently shown themselves to be weak and vacillating in the face of pressures and problems ; and certain democratic aspects of the British polity have heaped problems on to the capitalist economy in a way that has " crowded out " opportunities for growth .
27 Example 2:13 Right to display advertisement permitted by regulations The right to display in and on the demised property any advertisement permitted to be displayed without the express consent of the local planning authority by virtue of the Town and Country Planning ( Control of Advertisements ) Regulations 1992 or any modification or replacement thereof Example 2:14 Right to display advertisement in prescribed form The right to display on the front door of the demised property a name plate not exceeding in area and advertising the business carried on in the demised property and to display the name or style of that business on the name board situated in the entrance hall of the building of which the demised property forms part with letters provided by the landlord
28 I asked if I could see the people who 'd brought me in and after a few minutes , Bunny and Rayleen appeared at the bedside .
29 To be known as the Nadd Al Sheba Golf and Race Club , it is being built in and around a horse-racing track and is scheduled to open in October of next year .
30 Skyways , set in and around an international airport , may well have been ‘ pretty dreadful ’ but it did bring Kylie into contact with a promising young actor who years later was to take centre stage in her life .
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