Example sentences of "[adv prt] [conj] [verb] i [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Someone might come in and offer me more money .
2 he sometimes comes in and helps me out as well so very first class chap if you know anybody that needs a good headline writer Jack 's your man
3 I waved him away as Karen thoughtfully tucked me in and zipped me up .
4 When our mam died — our dad had been killed down the pit long before — he took me in and brought me up .
5 She 's open-minded , and a single parent : maybe that has something to do with it and with me not having a husband it made it easier for her to come in and see me sometimes .
6 Tell Paula to come in and get me here , get me here
7 I remember she crouched down and lifted me on to the table .
8 Put me down and join me there . ’
9 Yeah you go down and catch me please ?
10 ‘ Please sit down and tell me why you wish to see me , ’ said Rose Maylie , looking with some surprise at this poor , rough girl from the streets .
11 Calm down and tell me properly . ’
12 Jim jumped up and down and kissed me noisily on the cheek , shouting : " A goldmine , that 's what she is — a proper bloody goldmine ! "
13 And it sort of weighed me down and slowed me down till my legs could n't hardly move .
14 I wish someone would come along and take me home .
15 Shall I phone through or had I better write ? "
16 When you get on towards sixty you are not like any one younger , so will you kindly consider the matter over and help me out of it .
17 You 'll have to come over and pick me up though
18 I turn away so I ca n't look at her , but she leans over and looks me straight in the face .
19 Er I will I will hand over but let me just say this that my instinct is that it a policy expressed in the way you 've you 've suggested is just superfluous because all you 're doing is describing in in a po in upper case letters , the situation as it is and that that my answer is that it would that there would be no need for such a it would be gratuitously ap it 's an unnecessary statement .
20 ‘ Do n't you dare walk off and leave me here , ’ she commanded fiercely .
21 Well I had Mrs in this morning she had a tooth out this morning and he broke it and he tried to get the rest out you know using a special instrument and he twisted it and a fragment of the tooth come off and hit me straight in the eye .
22 They knocked him off and dressed me up for the suit with arrows . ’
23 I took it for granted I 'd just been lying there since I went out , and whoever had jumped me had made off and left me there .
24 The first time she found us chatting in the yard she rushed up and dragged me away .
25 What if , like my poor neighbour , I was to be so riddled with cancer , that after cutting me open , they just sewed me up and sent me home ?
26 Another time , the dwarf picked me up and dropped me quickly into a bowl of milk on the table .
27 A lift pulled up and took me away .
28 No spare parts were available but a small bus-load of Indian servants from our diocesan girls ’ school in Rangoon picked me up and took me on with them .
29 ‘ Oh , shut up and tell me when the Ship is going to get here . ’
30 And I tears of course , you know , and er the poor old man he was a very small man , Mr , and er he lifted me up and told me never to mind , i could get another shilling .
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