Example sentences of "[adv prt] [conj] [verb] [pos pn] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Private individuals looking for a stockbroker to advise on or manage their investments may not know how to start .
2 You are obviously feeling down or doubting your abilities .
3 If possible , try to relax , lie down or put your feet up , until the worst of the symptoms are over .
4 er you know express the dream in or express their feelings about it .
5 ‘ People do write in and offer their services ’ , says Christopher Nell , ‘ but I 'm not aware that we 've actually used any of they so far .
6 One minute I 'm skyscraper-high : which of the exciting variety of Robinas will I offer the station buffet as their dazzling new waitress ? — name your part , Bina 'll shine at it , I only have to waltz in and offer my services and they 'll fling open their arms in welcome .
7 Weeds too , join in and shake their waists , wave their long arms , flicking their hands — ;
8 ‘ You dig in and fill your boots while you can .
9 Luckily Andrew appreciated the state I was in and carried my skis while I walked down .
10 And perhaps the light from those ears of corn which are in just the right condition for her to lay her eggs , fluoresce in a particular manner , recognizing which from her own inward pre-patterned instincts , she homes in and deposits her eggs .
11 These parties of mine have become something of an institution , and I am expecting a large number of people to come in and give their comments on the results in various constituencies .
12 After seeing it work for so long , I began to perceive Charlie 's charm as a method of robbing houses by persuading the owners to invite you in and take their possessions .
13 You go in and take your rights ; I wo n't disturb you .
14 The Council men and women came in and took their places at the Star Table .
15 It was a fundamental principle that we never er er er put aside , because we felt that er well as I say if , if a company was being profitable , there was every reason why we should go in and increase our members ' er er standard of living .
16 The market research people moved in and pronounced their findings .
17 British and Empire troops dug in and organized their defences so rapidly that all German counter-attacks the following day were thrown back and even more ground gained .
18 another scenario that comes up quite often is that , somebody comes in and say my kids have n't had any food all over the weekend because you did n't send out a giro
19 Now that I will be comparatively close to Salford , perhaps I can pop in and enjoy your activities .
20 He still went in and showed his pages .
21 Of course , robbers got in and stole his jewels !
22 Ella came here the day after I got in and cried her eyes out .
23 The first night on board , everything is deliberately kept informal , to give passengers time to settle in and find their bearings .
24 and if these people , who are just like you , write in and have their letters printed here , why ca n't you write in and receive the same treatment ?
25 Just imagine jumping in and putting your feet through it .
26 One half of her wanted to give in and accept his kisses , which she knew would be delicious ; the other half wanted to tell him insultingly what she thought of him .
27 Anyway , Benguiat made up to him and gave him a big kiss and then the next day things got bad again because Parkinson was going to in room number two above this floor to sort out his slides and Benguiat had been in there and evidently he had just decided to tuck his shirt in and loosen his trousers and while he was tucking his shirt in Parkinson came in and says aha , caught you with your pants down , and Benguiat storms out of the room .
28 Hastily she breathed in and clamped her arms to her sides to hide the stubble .
29 We have more than 200 branches open on Saturdays from 9.30 am – 12.30 pm , so you can call in and discuss your needs if you ca n't manage it during the working week .
30 Lay them down and raise their legs
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