Example sentences of "[adv prt] [adv] [subord] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And the windows we shall put in here are the type of windows called a fenestral which are made of linen and I 'll show you one of those later on rather than explain it now .
2 Blind with rage : I know why they say blind — I could n't see him , I could n't see anything — I did n't think what to say , I was just saying it , shouting it , fury pouring out of me like hot tar — my hands were on my hips and clinging on so as to stop myself tearing his straggly hair out , gouging his eyes out , strangling him till his voice went gurgle-croak and his body went limp .
3 She turned her head , staring at him , noting how he looked down rather than meet her eyes , and knew at once that he was lying to her .
4 It takes considerable practice to perfect and if done badly slows you down rather than speeding you up .
5 Marx pawed at his jacket , rubbing the ash in rather than dusting it off .
6 Miranda taller , with her bushy hair and colouring that the Italians whose paintings she 'd been looking at in the Louvre rendered by priming the canvas with a copper-based green paint , creating a complexion that draws light in rather than gives it out ; Xanthe beside her with her candy radiance of pink and gold , and rounder too , more neatly assembled , wrist to hand , neck to shoulders , ankle to foot .
7 At the Albert Hall Rally of the Left Book Club in February 1937 , " Mr Harry Pollitt said there was a new awakening among the middle classes and they had to rope these people in rather than keep them out . "
8 " I m sorry , Mr Beamish , but he 'll be away all day and I thought I 'd better come along rather than leave it till tomorrow . "
9 In Littlewoods Organisation Ltd v Harris Lord Denning MR said that by construing a restriction according to the object and intent rule the courts refuse to hold a covenant bad merely because of unskilful drafting and will cut it down so as to reveal its essential reasonableness .
10 And we 'll probably knock him down anyway because say there 's
11 He began to notice that those juveniles who were on his line of flight deferred to him , preferring to back off rather than confront him .
12 Head of Department : ‘ This will pose severe problems for some … may put off rather than motivate them … may backfire on us ! ’ ( verified note of meeting )
13 But she 'd bite her tongue off sooner than ask him for any favours .
14 In other words , my guard was now so strong that I would wake myself up rather than allow myself to eat , even in a dream .
15 They come in and follow it up rather than preventing it .
16 When I do have to evict an intruder , I 've discovered that it 's far better to pull the weeds out rather than hoe them .
17 Bitrex is the bitterest non-toxic substance known , and even a tiny drop will encourage children to spit it out rather than swallow it .
18 employees think the scheme is unfair , lacks objectivity , is meant to catch them out rather than develop them
19 This means that in most cases it is more likely to be a matter of relaxing the forward pressure to allow the aircraft to level out rather than pulling it out with a positive backward pressure on the stick .
20 It was but er the market was so low that he decided not to well I do n't think he could get a buyer actually , it 's just stood there so he he he let it out rather than have it stood there with the option for us to buy it but I say now the prices are lower he 's not keen on selling it at that price .
21 The family took Victor back home because had he died in hospital then they could not have afforded the funeral expenses .
22 The questions can be listed in rough under the headings ( some people put each question on a card to begin with ) and then they can be moved about so as to produce what seems to be a good ‘ flow ’ for the interview .
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