Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] it [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Before we know where we are we 'll all be down with it like flies .
2 They should either just touch the floor — no gap between hem and floor — or be allowed to fall down to it in folds , Thirties style .
3 Now , I was never a good getter-up but I do have the excuse that I often retire very late , particularly if I have a visitor in the afternoon and need to get a bit of washing or something done at night when it is possible to get on with it without interruptions .
4 4 chose to fight ; I did not re-stand and 3 linked up with it in constituencies where UUUC support was strong .
5 It 's gone now , but at the time mentally handicapped patients were locked up in it for hours at a time .
6 Select one topical current affairs issue each week and swot up on it from newspapers and magazines .
7 And of course there was the fertilizer pile , next to me — beyond which was a slightly different pile , with sticks thrusting out of it at angles .
8 I thought a woman who was a little older and starting to feel a little out of it in terms of being attractive — had the sensuality but was losing it — might be more ambivalent about being raped .
9 I had the photocopy stashed in a chart drawer and was back out with it in moments .
10 The morning room was supported out from it on stilts , reaching into nothing so that to stand at the foremost edge of the platform was to seem to be poised above an abyss .
11 So that evening Sister Websper and I , with a dozen or more girl students , scrambled on board an already crowded steamer , which waited in mid-stream while we pulled out to it in sampans and canoes .
12 Microsoft Corp currently owns the desktop with MS-DOS , and will do its darndest to hang on to it with Windows New Technology .
13 Case management , as defined and practised originally , developed as a service system response to the co-ordination of care , and while judgement of its value in other terms is not entirely inappropriate , it should be assessed in terms of its purpose , goals , and effectiveness , not in terms of its capacity to meet requirements projected on to it by others .
14 But these were the pattern-creating branches of the trade ; once a block had been set , the dye could be splashed on to it by children and the pattern applied to the cloth by lowly paid female labour .
15 The resulting brand of individualism thus contains a radical anomaly , affecting half of those present — an anomaly which , however , does not seem to have been visible until light was specially directed on to it by feminists .
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