Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] that [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Marine said , ‘ Get down behind that grass bank , Sir , ’ and he immediately lobbed a Mills grenade into the river .
2 ‘ We see the volume just getting down to that core set who will see increased demand , ’ he said , adding that the industry 's top 10 companies had 58% of 1992 sales .
3 On these traffic lights been down to that football match actually cos it 's absolutely nose to tail right the way there right the way down here
4 You know where you used to go down to that Mall Court
5 Had they bothered to look in on that Standing Committee , they would have heard me make it clear that the Government will be working in co-operation with our European Community colleagues to find a way of reducing carbon dioxide emissions effectively .
6 So they came back but of course , if it 's jus if it 's been pouring in on that bathroom ceiling again it 's , it , when I took , when Elsie called up to me , come and look at this , the bathroom ceiling was black mould !
7 I tell you , if a helicopter had come down at that customs post , there would have been no stopping me .
8 I 've still got 300 sets left over from that job lot I got the other Christmas .
9 There 's a gateway over at that forestry plantation , and there was once a castle there .
10 Well it , the way they started off in that cup final , last year
11 Anyone managing to get on top of the porch could easily clamber up through that bedroom window .
12 ‘ Make sure , Swift , ’ said the Headmaster , ‘ You never get caught up with that Mould boy .
13 up with that business plan .
14 Jim told him and Ted said , ‘ I 'll go and get it and put it back , then I 'll cover it up until that museum chap comes . ’
15 A day up in that Manchester Studio .
16 So we did n't buy very , little utility furniture , the only utility furniture we 've got is , it used to be a bedroom suite up in that second bedroom , we 've still got the bed of that , that was utility , but had we been in the market we would of bought utility because it was very good , some of it was really good if you looked around and erm , you know , choose your furniture , it was very good
17 By the time she showed up in that rubbish dump on the Isle of Dogs , there would be little left that was recognisable .
18 Yeah , but you do n't you do n't need anything different though , once you get up in that mountain environment , you got this bright sunny morning
19 For instance then , the very last point being made up in that rose thing , is , it says that it protects against sicknesses and evils .
20 There 's no one standing there so it 's getting caught up in that traffic jam at the bridge I would have thought they 're all queuing to get on the bridge in the morning .
21 Richard you are the lion and you , Arthur , you are a Canadian Mounted Policeman and when the lion threatens to throw the baby into the volcano , you will come galloping up on that hobby horse — that one there , the one with bells — and rescue him . ’
22 The book traces his family history leading up to that midnight stroke and carries it through to the dark period of Mrs Gandhi 's emergency .
23 Oh we can go up to that Fina garage I should think they have it .
24 Up to that time coal was chiefly used as a domestic fuel but from 1812 onwards it went to sea as bunker fuel .
25 ‘ We 'll walk up to that hill top , ’ said Brian , pointing to some fields beyond his land .
26 This is n't because it 's set to , but normally it 's on cords which go up to there up to that pulley wheel round and there 's a big heavy weight inside which carries the window .
27 Another thing that did come up at that training day the other day was that we all need a , a , a , anybody that 's going to do any sort of appraising will need to know what the erm training programme is
28 ‘ If I 'd known what was going on in that house right under my nose … ’
29 Presumably he must have arranged to fly back during that telephone call last night .
30 And with Leonard ruled out of that Wembley clash , Hynes could claim his place today .
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