Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] he [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In 1469 , King Louis XI of France conferred with King Henry IV of Castile here ; in 1526 the captive King Francis I was exchanged for his two sons , who stood in for him as hostages with his great enemy , the Emperor Charles V ; in 1659 , the Peace of the Pyrenees between France and Spain was negotiated on the island ; and a year later , the contract of marriage was signed which consolidated that epoch-making treaty , between Louis XIV and the Infant a ( it was while helping to decorate the Spanish pavilion for the occasion that the painter Velázquez is said to have caught his death of cold ) .
2 The pilgrims went in after him in groups of five or six at a time .
3 The Old Reaper would have caught up with him in weeks , probably , months at most .
4 None of them were up to him in looks .
5 Jenna looked up at him with tears sparkling on her lashes and then hung her head .
6 The doctor was an elderly man with a grey beard , who examined Paul gravely , then looked up at him with eyes expressionless behind their spectacles ; he had seen many such cases .
7 Twice Iorwerth 's warning signal had fetched them hastily to their pre-arranged places ; but on the first occasion Isambard had shunned the dripping copse and ridden away down the softer slopes eastward of Parfois , with his attendants strung out after him like beads on the string of darker green he left in the wet grass ; and on the second it had been a full-scale hunt with a dozen or more guests and very nearly fifty retainers , and Owen had held his hand , unwilling to venture against such odds .
8 Manjiku 's pale , pale , he ca n't bear the light of the sun , it burns his pale skin , his pale flesh , it leaches the life out of him in blisters and wens .
9 Gilmour says a confession was beaten out of him by police .
10 " You 've been going out with him for ages , have n't you ? "
11 It was only because her mother approved so strongly of Pogo that she was allowed to go out with him to places like this , and then , as often as not , her mother insisted that Aubrey went too .
12 In 1930 the owner of a strip of land fronting a highway sold the land to the council , which contemporaneously leased it back to him upon terms set out in a memorandum of agreement providing that ‘ the tenancy shall continue until the … land is required by the council for the purposes of the widening of ’ the highway .
13 His reflection stared back at him with eyes that were big and dark in a small-boned face .
14 Fiver gazed back at him with eyes that , like a fly 's , seemed larger than his head .
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