Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] [noun pl] or [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And when , to show what a good little wife I had become — Nonni thought that my aunts did not ‘ appreciate ’ me , meaning that they did not go in for endearments or tell me how pretty I looked — she pointed out , one Sunday lunchtime , how well I had starched the table napkins , Aunt Lilian said , ‘ But why ?
2 We have used them to great effect from boats or for getting baits in under trees or undercut banks where casting has been impossible but the wind has helped to carry the bait into inaccessible areas often inhabited by pike .
3 Other figures participating in the same religious ceremony wear a cloth robe covering both upper and lower parts of the body and falling straight down without folds or flounces to the ankles .
4 I had masses of women coming in with ideas , and I would say that more than half of all of my commissions were brought in by women or contained women — writers , producers , directors .
5 They plunged into lakes , crashed into busses , flipped over like turtles or got jammed between lampposts .
6 They assemble in colonies many thousand strong and nest in long holes that they have either taken over from rabbits or dug for themselves .
7 One can assume that the leaders of the Revolt were eliminated , removing the upper levels of tribal society , and also that the lands and possessions of the tribes would have been seized by the state to be retained as agerpublicus , sold off to speculators or given as rewards to loyalists .
8 Bags of string , bottle tops , cylinders , etc. can be added to the basic shape — either tacked on with nails or glued on later .
9 One of the Edinburgh employers ( perhaps inadvertently ) revealed that " either very experienced girls or experienced men make it up into pages or make it up into sheets " .
10 It only ventures out at night , and spends most of its time up in trees or scrambling through scrub .
11 The more versatile chickpea can be spiced up in salads or puréed with garlic for deep frying or serving in dips .
12 During the first few days of the Blitz I had to go to Kings Cross and there I saw whole streams of weary and frightened East Enders pouring through the station , intent only on getting away from the bombing with what bits and pieces of their belongings they had been able to salvage ; with their small children crying and bewildered , and family pets bundled up in rugs or protesting loudly in makeshift cardboard boxes .
13 Streamline English Destinations follows on from Connections or provides a separate eighty-unit courses for intermediate students .
14 Streamline English Connections follows on from Departures or provides an independent eighty-unit course for pre-intermediate students .
15 Where can we find out about guesthouses or renting an apartment ?
16 If , however , the expenditure is not so recoverable , the tenant may have to agree either to forego such services out of hours or to pay the costs of them .
17 I usually make her coffee , and if she runs out of fags or needs summat from the shops , I go for her .
18 Other boys climbed in and out of tanks or queued outside a caravan which advertised a film about combat in the jungle .
19 DROP : A player drops a ball when he has hit out of bounds or lost his original ball .
20 In the recessionary 1970s , most governments were turned out at elections or saw their share of electoral support fall .
21 — as ancient hardwood trees are felled , they are dragged out by bulldozers or hauled through the front on overhead cables .
22 Within hours of this US response , which Iraq 's ruling Revolution Command Council denounced as " disgraceful " , the Soviet Union tried to rescue its peace initiative by announcing that Aziz ( who was still in Moscow ) had agreed to a revised six-point peace plan whereby ( i ) Iraq would agree to comply with Resolution 660 ; ( ii ) withdrawal from Kuwait would begin the day after a ceasefire ; ( iii ) the withdrawal would be completed within 21 days , including withdrawal from Kuwait City within four days ; ( iv ) once the withdrawal had been completed all relevant UN Security Council resolutions would lapse ; ( v ) all prisoners of war would be released three days after a ceasefire ; and ( vi ) monitoring of the ceasefire would be carried out by observers or peacekeeping forces as determined by the UN Security Council .
23 Since lunch-time I 'd done nothing except be in the company of women , hanging around in pubs or crawling through traffic .
24 Edna is hardly your obvious casual daytime high street dresser , lounging around in jeans or velour tracksuits though , is she ?
25 My own research with young people in Edinburgh and Lothian Region has placed such problems squarely in the context of adult violence to children in public places and pointed to the frequency with which young people go around in gangs or carry weapons usually as a response — however ill-judged — to crimes they suffer .
26 The system can be totally operated by spoken commands , eliminating the need for mucking about with rodents or using the keyboard .
27 The system can be totally operated by spoken commands , eliminating the need for mucking about with rodents or using the keyboard .
28 In the accounts of industrial action one reads about in newspapers or sees on television , the cause of a dispute will usually be attributed to the issue over which work relations broke down .
29 stood round in groups or knelt on half-bald knees
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