Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] [noun pl] [v-ing] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Mercedes-Benz 's proud engineers also loathe being lumped in with companies making everything from washing machines to weapons .
2 Small-boat owners were off at moorings indulging themselves , checking gear or tinkering with engines .
3 So the next stage in our journey was perhaps predictable — we enrolled for a course with the NCT , which was made up of couples expecting their babies at roughly the same time .
4 I ca n't imagine I would try and scramble up over rocks using my nose , but the use of hands in the mountaineering hierarchy seems to be of prime importance .
5 It 's got to the point where manager Lennie Lawrence must wake up at times wondering which big game is next .
6 Rocks can also be broken up by microbes finding their way into cracks and crevices , exposing more surfaces which can then absorb more CO 2 , and so forth .
7 The publication also includes the final document drawn up by participants outlining their conclusions and 11 recommendations for future activities .
8 The BOR is generous too , especially to those in trouble , and many reports are coming out of men sharing their rations with hungry villagers or of bringing the MO to see some sick Burmans .
9 Strong instructions went out to fields reviewing their progress and preparing proposals that there should be as little change as possible from that which had been originally approved .
10 Indeed , this union had a campaign of sending postcards out to MPs asking them not to vote for the abolition of Wage Councils .
11 What he obviously had in mind was the manoeuvre carried out by horsemen displaying their skill at a gymkhana .
12 A POLICE constable making a ‘ routine search ’ of scaffolding at Horse Guards Parade before today 's Trooping of the Colour ceremony , marking the Queen 's official birthday , fell on to railings impaling his leg .
13 Optionally — if you 're feeling mean — the carriage will animate and attack the adventurers if they just stand around for ages wondering what to do next .
14 No I do n't wan na be sitting messing around with computers freezing my bum off !
15 He lies around in jeans strumming his guitar . ’
16 The only exotic mysterious dance this glen will witness is one where walkers run wildly about in circles waving their arms in alarm , screaming , ‘ Get them off me ! ’
17 And she went round to friends telling them to get me organised when she was away .
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