Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] [noun pl] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do n't mind lobbyists , I 'd just rather they called themselves by their proper name as they do in Washington , rather than wittering on for hours about relationships with opinion-formers .
2 Thus the hunt was on for heads of functions who could deliver results , and executive search was seen to be the only truly effective way to actually define and attract this key talent .
3 Women , it is widely believed , are turned down for jobs by men who fear that , without warning , they will take time off to have children .
4 The discussion groups were relatively open , and many people came along as friends of friends .
5 ‘ He puts in for grants for bands and things like that .
6 I do n't go in for numbers as names .
7 The custom fell out of favour at the turn of this century and I suspect that , as a reaction to the damage the treatment caused , the contrary view that teething is harmless has been passed down through generations of doctors .
8 Women , who predominated in the junior schools , did not get equal pay in principle until 1955 ( or in reality until 1962 ) , despite a vigorous campaign throughout the 1940s , so yet further inequality was built in between groups of teachers .
9 In between men with machetes hacked and chopped in a welter of gore .
10 ‘ It can be broken down into sets of signals , each signal with a specific function .
11 Perhaps your readers would then like to write in with suggestions for improvements .
12 If he is an oil sheik he can concentrate on books which have been bedizened with gold and silver , with diamonds , rubies , pearls and the whole galaxy of precious and semi-precious stones ; with rich brocades , velvets , silks and laces , along with skins from ostriches , peacocks , reindeer , elephants and other denizens of field and forest .
13 The technical implications of this proposal will be investigated during 1993 , along with developments in communications between and within gardens .
14 Usually , too , with the abandonment of work-in-progress , control over production progress is maintained by physical counts of products demanded and produced , along with measures of defects , stock levels , and so on .
15 The coffin design I had photocopied and planned to enclose , along with quotes from correspondents , to several of the DIY superstores .
16 I 'm glad Councillor reminded er Councillor reminded Councillor erm about the introduction of L M S , when over two hundred teachers did appear outside to protest about the introduction of it , along with cuts in budgets .
17 Along with scores of authors of whom he had never heard he found forgotten friends : Hugh Walpole , John Galsworthy , and the redoubtable Mazo de la Roche , captivator of millions who would now be devotees of TV soap …
18 The charter outlines patient 's rights along with standards for areas such as waiting times and hospital child care .
19 On their way to the Lion d'Or , where they were to meet Jack , Iris and Melissa passed old women knitting and gossiping in doorways or leaning out of windows , young women sauntering along with babies in perambulators , and leather-clad youths astride shiny motorbikes parked at the kerbside while they chatted up their mini-skirted girls .
20 He confirmed the view that among perfectly ordinary people , who were neither Pharaohs nor priests , full brother-sister marriages occurred in a minimum of nine out of the 113 marriages he analysed , If the less certain cases are also included along with marriages between half-siblings , the proportion of incestuous marriages was of the order of 20% .
21 Just compare a couple of pictures on Sharpe now and then , even Batts was thin when he was 18–19 : - ) You do nt notice this slow down in players like Batts — whose play does nt rely on speed .
22 The chairs upon which they sat or leaned were gilded or of shining chrome and glass ; bales of material were half unfurled to spill around more silk and satin ; jewellery was flung down in handfuls upon tables or simply on the ground .
23 We had Chernobyl , we had a series of hijackings , we had outrages at Athens Airport , we had the U S raid on Libya by bombers based in Britain erm and everybody then erm turned the corners of their mouths down and forecast the end of tourism , that doom is nigh , and what actually happened was that erm by the end of nineteen eighty six we were four point three per cent down in terms of numbers on a record nineteen eighty five .
24 The floor is the worst place of all to store equipment such as typewriters , braillers or even piles of books , especially if they are put down on thoroughfares between desks or tables .
25 Who needs to speak to me so urgently that they lie me down on myriads of pebbles by a sun-scorched sea in the southern part of England ?
26 One way to cut down on cars in cities might be to be to make this form of travel much less convenient , by cutting the number of parking places available in cities , for the public and companies alike — hardly popular measures .
27 There was mayhem as shrapnel rained down on shoppers from devices placed in cast-iron litter bins less than ten yards apart .
28 Granted the rich diversity of the phenomena of the biological world , a disagreement over results can generally be put down to differences between animals ( ‘ species or strain differences ’ , for instance ) or to subtle alterations in experimental conditions , and can therefore be fudged or ignored .
29 TOP CLASS : Down to basics with 14-year-olds James McCallum and Steven Sneddon in the car workshop to be visited by Prince Charles .
30 It believes that unless the final COSE specification is very tight , and goes right down to things like icons and bars , then there is certain to be a wide variety of very different COSE interfaces on the market .
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