Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] [adv] [coord] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Eventually , though not yet for many years , when Deep Level came up under here ore was dropped down to there and trammed out all the way to the Bonsor Mill ; Paddy End Mill was then shutdown .
2 " Now you sit him down over there and wet his hair . "
3 Jekyll 's servant , Poole , let him in at once and took him through the kitchen and across the back garden to the laboratory behind the house .
4 Another policeman came along at 9.40pm and radioed his control to contact the RAC again .
5 After relaying the message to Ng , Gooseneck looked over at Amiss and gave him a long , slow wink .
6 So I backed off at once and resumed my patient waiting .
7 If she 'd been in the kid 's place , she 'd have run off by now and left them all to it .
8 Yeah well even if they came sort of late afternoon , turn up about fiveish and had a a bit of tea and then spent the evening with you that wo n't be too bad would it ?
9 Fortunately they were not called upon for the supreme test , however , for Alice scooped her up from behind and tried to propel her into safer water .
10 It went up to there and slipped down again .
11 Nahum got up at once and went to her side , his concern tinged with ever-present hope .
12 He stood up at once and began to stalk away but Mr Hellyer called to him .
13 Pat was so incensed he got up at once and hit Jock , and Mrs Lennox screamed .
14 Also , I had sobered up by then and caused some complications by trying to stop the cheque — until my father came squealing on to the line .
15 Francis was up by now and had tethered the goat — a huge brown animal with fearsome horns called Brunette .
16 I had sobered up by now and felt terrible .
17 They could n't come to a decision so they put it to the vote when — as the book put it — a pair of bearded anarchists , one with flame red hair , appeared out of nowhere and took their decision for them , smashing down the gates with sledgehammers .
18 Then the burning man came from out of nowhere and took her down .
19 Everything had happened in the wrong order , and now I had to try to bring my feelings up to counter-balance the overpowering weight of this physical attraction which had sprung up out of nowhere and knocked me sideways .
20 The beast 's eyes shone at him and he felt the teeth touch his bare skin ; then Isay appeared out of nowhere and brained it .
21 Anyway I comes out to here and said do n't go near that door , open the back door very careful , there 's three kids got and then we went out and chase the buggers .
22 I got out at 5am and left .
23 He fell back at once and lay quietly on the damp earth staring up at the now empty wall as his blood soaked into and congealed darkly upon the white of his shirt .
24 He toyed with the idea of reading in the drawing room , but he could hear one of the junior maids moving about in there and decided to go back up to his room instead .
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