Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] [noun sg] [noun pl] with " in BNC.

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1 Calendars and diaries have always been popular in good bookshops , many of these products spinning off from familiar sources ( Tolkien , Beatrix Potter ) and sold in by book publishers with the autumn lists .
2 So effortlessly in fact that he would often go off during working hours with his gun to bag a pheasant or a hare rash enough to have entered our grounds .
3 But the path of political progress has become deadlocked following the breaking off of reform talks with de Klerk in June after the attack on the Boipatong township in which dozens of ANC supporters were hacked to death .
4 While one country may be geared up for credit cards with hole-in-the wall machines everywhere you look , another may only accept local currency or travellers cheques .
5 It was suggested more than fifty years ago by M.G. Jones that the setting up of charity schools with common objectives between 1710 and 1730 under the leadership of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge ( SPCK ) amounted to a " movement " .
6 Finally , labour costs ; differences in labour productivity are often greater than differences in wage levels , and the levelling up of wage levels with economic integration may undermine the competitive position of some regions .
7 When the last shot had been fired and the troops left for the United States , many GIs turned up at embarkation points with loyal canine friends concealed in their kit bags .
8 There are also three chess sets and two playing card packs being snapped up by Christmas shoppers with a taste for the traditional .
9 We were drinking out of glass tumblers with British Rail logos on and generally chewing the fat and putting the world to rights .
10 It scuttles out of office doorways with a desperateness that is quickly dispelled by sucking on a white , smoking cylinder .
11 Previously , on Nov. 29 , 1989 , a communiqué released in Johannesburg by the PAC and its internal allies following a weekend conference in Harare , had rejected out of hand negotiations with the South African regime as long as apartheid legislation remained on the statute books .
12 A message had been punched out in capital letters with a labelling machine .
13 During a Royal Reward promotion at Easter the Branch was decked out in Christmas decorations with accompanying Christmas Tree .
14 Arts groups have only just begun to take on board the fact that they have to be much more proactive if they are to tap the creativity of people who may be confined to their homes or only get out to day centres with help .
15 In the Bekaa , he records , ‘ birds sang among the reeds and were echoed by a distant chorus from farm workers marching out to potato fields with long hoes over their shoulders .
16 and er , we have two boys that do it with us as well and when they come out to youth clubs with us the girls and the boys that we go and speak to love having a male there
17 Coins may also be found and reported on a casual basis by interested members of the public or systematically searched out by treasure hunters with metal detectors .
18 I was shocked when I first went into the Marsden and saw all these people with no hair , very white , being wheeled around in wheel chairs with cannulas and drips and looking very sickly .
19 I could weep with frustration when I go around seeing the conditions some of our people work in , the pittance they have paid , young people hung around on street corners with no job and no real training .
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