Example sentences of "[adv prt] [verb] [conj] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I just decided to put it in to see if it tastes better .
2 I just decided to put it in to see if it tastes better .
3 And er something I switched the erm recorder on just before you walked in to see if it recorded .
4 It just sort of come in to land and it veered off the runway as such .
5 It 's almost worth advertising alcohol just to preserve the lobbying the brewers indulge in to prove that it does n't encourage young people to drink , just for the sight of their endless statistics that prove that all this money they spend on advertising is n't making anybody buy their product : run this by me again , why are you doing it ?
6 She says as I say I 'll have to wait and see what she says , because she said , you know when weather gets better , oh I says you 're better off waiting while it gets better weather
7 The fourth stair up creaked as it eased back into place .
8 If an outline idea has been discussed over the lunch table ring up to carry it further , and if you have floated an idea by post and have heard nothing phone up to see if it has fallen on stony ground .
9 The humans doubled up coughing as it invaded their lungs .
10 Alan Tonke who has set this one up says that it has n't been easy getting together a viable collection of items to auction .
11 A preview will tell you what the software can do at the moment — we do n't go too heavily on any minor bugs or inconsistencies at the preview stage , but we do criticise bad design and form an opinion about whether the software will be up to scratch when it gets released .
12 Their main argument is that the World Cup should move around on a rotational basis , but having staged the first three tournaments , other countries have some catching up to do before it returns to these shores .
13 Oh let's connect it up see if it works .
14 They say that 20 per cent of American motorists who can run cars on unleaded petrol are switching back to lead because it gives a better performance .
15 One half is telling me to get out of bed whilst the stronger half is telling me to go back to sleep as it does n't matter if I 'm late for school .
16 But , he said , its new management is going all out to ensure that it becomes more efficient cost-wise , that it focusses its research more effectively , and that it becomes more market-led .
17 ‘ I thought he 'd saved it at first and was turning to run back to defend when it popped out and over the line .
18 Mont Blanc exists , and it will go on existing until it wears away or an earthquake knocks it over .
19 If he had no money , he could sit down and take a bottle of beer from the crate on the table , and carry on drinking until it had run out .
20 The interest rate would go on falling until it reached re .
21 He went on to say that it seemed prudent to classify all non-accidental injuries to young children as ‘ high risk ’ cases , since 80% of all children unlawfully killed by their parents had been previously abused .
22 Philosophers , and especially philosophers of art , who say that visual perception involves something two-dimensional usually go on to say that it involves something else , a judgement whereby we get from the two-dimensional to the three-dimensional , the world of solid objects at a distance from the perceiver .
23 The motion goes on to say that it draws the ‘ natural and disturbing inference ’ that the meetings and copy number 26 were linked .
24 It goes on to say and it came about that in thy journeying eastward they eventually discovered a valid plain and a land of Shinar and they took up growing there and they began to say each one to the other come on let us make bricks and bake and bake with a burning process , so bricks served as stone for them and
25 John thanked the staff for their generosity and went on to explain that it costs £1.5m to run the hospice for a year .
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