Example sentences of "[adv prt] [noun] [conj] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ( He had in fact put on weight while resting after Alfredo Alfredo , and needed to lose it for the role anyway .
2 Many artists see the value in or with the public , breaking down barriers and thriving on the experience and feed-back for their future work .
3 We crossed contorted ranges of hills between the empty plains , the lorry thumping over rocks and labouring in its low gears .
4 Water in the garden has a peculiar fascination which is shared by young and old alike , whether it be tumbling over rocks and splashing into a pool alive with the red and yellows of goldfish , or in some sheltered nook supporting the broad verdant pads and brightly coloured waxy blossoms of the waterlilies .
5 Dr Jaffery rustled around the room , picking up books and looking behind cushions for his mosque cap before remembering that he was already wearing it .
6 There he gained an Intermediate BS , and then worked washing up plates and studying in the evening so that he gained a scholarship to Imperial College , where the ISS agreed to support him .
7 In loud , sepulchral tones , this vision warned James to give up war and consorting with wanton women .
8 After twenty minutes we returned to the ship , tired but amazed by our experience and looking forward to hoisting up anchor and heading for our next stop , St. Lucia .
9 I do n't remember anything else until I was on the bank throwing up water and puking in the mud while the sound-man thumped on my back and put his fists in my stomach .
10 She had come to the conclusion that if giving up Brentwoods and moving to the country was what Brian wanted , then perhaps she ought to go along with it , stop being selfish .
11 but Hilde , scooping up skirts and running behind him .
12 Many women spend some years away from paid employment bringing up children or looking after elderly or disabled relatives .
13 On a more personal level , Riley has said : ‘ The game is the same but the stakes are higher for women – – You need time to reflect , you are alone essentially , and I knew that I could n't give the time and thought to bringing up children or caring for another person on an intimate level .
14 Over a thousand students left their dormitories and protested outside the campus administrative building by putting up posters and calling for the resignation of key officials who had little understanding or sympathy with their plight .
15 The ideal working dress would , therefore , be one in which you could reach up high to bring down the best china , bend down low to pick up the dropped toy , feel comfortable in for walking around the park and pushing a pram or playing ball , not worry about if baby food was deposited on it , move around in easily with a baby on your hip and cover up totally for rolling out pastry or helping with painting .
16 Lindy would sooner be out shopping than talking to me .
17 The main reason why the US market is so much more competitive appears to be tradition : American consumers are accustomed to hunting out bargains and buying on price , whereas Europeans are more likely to buy on brand name .
18 The role of the auditor should be to support management by assisting in pointing out deficiencies and advising on possible courses of action .
19 The Inner Circle of the Brotherhood broke up , scraping back chairs and muttering to one another as they filed out of the Guild Office .
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