Example sentences of "[vb -s] this [noun sg] because [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It has this name because it enables you to alter the order of slides — you just drag them to their required positions .
2 Divorce has this effect because it suggests that remarriage in the lifetime of one 's first partner is socially and even morally acceptable' ( Irish Times , 6 June 1986 ; also 31 May 1986 ; 14 June 1986 ) .
3 You know what I mean and erm she wants this job because she wants the money and , but I do n't really think that you know , she , she er , had the time to two jobs because she has three young children anyhow , I know that 's her problem , erm you know who looks after them or what .
4 And the prevailing compensation structure in practically all businesses reinforces this attitude because it is heavily biased towards managerial positions and titles .
5 We may find ourselves disagreeing with other people on the basis of sampling ; one man may claim that a shirt he bought from a well-known manufacturer wore out in no time at all , whereas his friend says he always buys this make because they wear so well .
6 Living in modernity facilitates this belief because we live in a world of rapidly changing fashions and technologies .
7 But he also likes this method because it appears that the famine is caused by the Irish themselves as a result of their lack of husbandry ( which confirms their savagery ) and , thus , appears a natural reward of their refusal to accept the civility of English rule .
8 We love him he 's thirteen years old so we we decided to get a a puppy because we thought we 'd we would n't want to get one when he departs this world because you can never replace them .
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