Example sentences of "[vb -s] at the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Phyllis is very particular about cleanliness , which is why she always shops at the new branch of Safeways .
2 The seasoned rockers and cabaret bores at the local pub would appreciate the fact they have travelled up and down the country , playing every decrepit club and hovel on the way .
3 It also suggested that legislation should be brought in that required planners , designers and architects to consider future health and safety needs at the initial design stage .
4 We first met Pacific waters at the windswept village of Puerto Natales , and suddenly there were mountains all around us : mountains and glaciers , and curious seabirds and dolphins and spume-whipped sea , the water a vivid blue under a cloudless sky .
5 He ought to swap the doctors that he has at the Serious Fraud Office for those who decide applications for disability allowance and attendance allowance .
6 However , the demand for the relevant , the practical , and the vocational that was part of the raison d'être of the GCSE has at the same time been answered in a different way , which may in the end prove embarrassing to the DES and the SEC , and may seem to promise yet another shift of power .
7 While attempting to give financial autonomy to schools the government has at the same time failed to help the market — that is , parents and pupils — to decide what subjects should be studied .
8 But — with exceptions of course — it has at the same time been unable or unwilling to devote enough time and effort to understanding and pursing financial and accounting matters , perhaps because these often lack the immediate and general glamour of other aspects of policies .
9 It displays the extraordinary virtuosity which this scheme encourages , but has at the same time great sculptural power .
10 Being a costly enterprise and having many uses to the modern state , research has at the same time come under increased scrutiny from the paymaster .
11 It has in the past happened that a client has been advised by the agent to amend an order , has entirely agreed with that advice , but has at the same time pointed out that his authority does not extend to giving a final decision , and this can be awkward .
12 Upper House stands at the southern end of a deep yard , flanked to the east by the barn and to the north by a Norman church .
13 So what do you think about the overall situation as it stands at the present time ?
14 However , there is a place in social research , and a very important one , for the type of interview which stands at the other extreme to the structured one , namely the non-standardised interview .
15 But before Budd came on , they had to listen to Andy Roberts , who stands at the opposite end of ufology to Hopkins and whose new book , Phantoms Of The Sky ( written with Dave Clarke , published by Robert Hale ) , gave the conference its name .
16 Mr Campbell commented ‘ The most important recent development in ordinary shares was the reverse yield gap which at present stands at the alarming value of 4 ¼%.;
17 Another allegedly ‘ royal ’ tomb is the Great Tomb at Chrysolakkos , which stands at the northern edge of the Minoan town of Mallia , a little inland from the cliffed headland , and it is thought to have served as a family vault for Mallia 's royal family in the New Temple Period ( for instance , by Hood 1971 , p. 145 ) .
18 The novelty was in the clean and smiling way he said them , blowing out gray smoke rings at the same time .
19 This coordination of two developmental events , crucial to the formation of the eye , is achieved in some animals by the approaching eyecup inducing the lens to develop just where it touches the surface , and so the lens develops at the right place .
20 In normal embryos this surface polarity is indicative of a profound reorganization of the embryo which develops at the 8-cell stage and is thought to underlie the process of cell divergence ( 2 ) .
21 I know , er , well where the path is , the only problem is where the edge finishes at the other end , at the bottom end , right , there 's gon na be a gap there and I wan na close that gap off somehow .
22 This is achieved by adjusting the spacing between the words and characters as necessary so that each line of text finishes at the same point .
23 Of course I admit there 's an alcohol problem , but then again it tends to look worse than it is because the res is dry so everyone congregates at the nearest bar , which is two miles south , in Nebraska .
24 ‘ Here 's fifty , ’ he shouts at the next table .
25 When you press the Enter key , DOS looks at the first word in the string of characters you 've typed in and compares it to a list of command names stored in the file called COMMAND.COM .
26 This section concentrates on the second and third of these phases ; Section 5.2 looks at the first phase .
27 This chapter looks at the existing pattern of UK taxation and the changes that have taken place in recent years .
28 The first looks at the mixed feelings children have after they have disclosed .
29 The opening chapter uses a slightly different method and looks at the greatest variable in improving — namely ourselves , since the way we approach and react to learning greatly affects the end result .
30 As Collins looks at the current Leeds squad , costing around 10 million , he sees real depth .
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